- Pictorial Library
- Galilée et Nord
- Samarie et Centre
- Jérusalem
- Juda et Mer Morte
- Néguev et Désert
- Jordanie
- Egypte
- Liban
- Turquie Orientale et Centrale
- Turquie Occidentale
- Grèce
- Les Iles Grecques
- Chypre et Crète
- Italie et Malte
- Rome
- Arbres, Plantes, et Fleurs
- Images Culturelles de la Terre Sainte
- Pancartes de la Terre Sainte
- Collection Complète
Pictorial Library

Italie et Malte
Toutes les images sont des fichiers jpg de haute résolution (1600 x 1200 ou plus), idéales pour projection dans les classes, pour visionnage sur un moniteur ou pour être imprimées. Aussi, sont compris sur chaque DVD des fichiers PowerPoint déjà préparés sur chaque région (avec annotations pour les photos), des cartes d’identification de sites, un index d’images, et un index de sites.
Index of Photographs on this DVD
- Forum of Appius, Three Taverns
- Herculaneum
- Mount Vesuvius
- Paestum
- Pompeii
- Puteoli
- Rhegium
- Scenes of Italy
- Syracuse
Forum of Appius, Three Taverns (23)
Appian Way paving stones at Forum of Appius, tb111805043
Appian Way Roman bridge of Trajan, tb111805079
Appian Way Roman bridge of Trajan, tb111805085
Appian Way Roman milestone near Three Taverns, tb111805098
Appian Way Roman milestone near Three Taverns, tb111805101
Appian Way Trajan memorial near Forum of Appius, tb111805052
Arch of San Lidano near Appian Way, tb111805958
Church of St Paul the Apostle near Three Taverns, tb111805099
Cisterna church, possible Three Taverns, tb111805122
Forum of Appius ancient pottery, tb111805037
Forum of Appius ancient water pipe, tb111805041
Forum of Appius canal through Pontine marshes, tb111805000
Forum of Appius canal through Pontine marshes, tb111805013
Forum of Appius canal through Pontine marshes, tb111805023
Forum of Appius canal through Pontine marshes, tb111805065
Forum of Appius fountain, tb111805033
Forum of Appius modern hotel and Via Appia, tb111805998
Forum of Appius Roman bridge over canal, tb111805069
Forum of Appius Roman milestone at mile 43, tb111805977
Sheep grazing near Forum of Appius, tb111805971
Three Taverns area three miles south of Cisterna, tb111805112
Three Taverns area, tb111805105
Three Taverns factory, tb111805119
Herculaneum (101)
Herculaneum altar, tb111405823
Herculaneum bathhouse courtyard, tb111405713
Herculaneum Cardo III with Mount Vesuvius, tb111405865
Herculaneum Cardo IV and Decumanus Inferior crossing, tb111405784
Herculaneum Cardo IV from west, tb111405666
Herculaneum Cardo IV, tb111405787
Herculaneum Cardo V, tb111405797
Herculaneum Cardo V, tb111405820
Herculaneum Cardo V, tb111405821
Herculaneum College of the Augustali floor tiles, tb111405750
Herculaneum College of the Augustali fresco, tb111405758
Herculaneum College of the Augustali fresco, tb111405759
Herculaneum College of the Augustali frescoes, tb111405749
Herculaneum College of the Augustali skeletal remains, tb111405753
Herculaneum College of the Augustali window, tb111405752
Herculaneum College of the Augustali wooden ceiling beams, tb111405756
Herculaneum College of the Augustali wooden ceiling beams, tb111405757
Herculaneum College of the Augustali, tb111405748
Herculaneum Decumanus Inferior, tb111405785
Herculaneum Decumanus Maximus, tb111405742
Herculaneum Decumanus Maximus, tb111405800
Herculaneum drain pipe onto street, tb111405803
Herculaneum grand tavern, tb111405814
Herculaneum grand tavern, tb111405815
Herculaneum House of Albergo courtyard, tb111405859
Herculaneum House of Argus frescoes, tb111405676
Herculaneum House of Argus peristyle, tb111405673
Herculaneum House of Black Hall ceiling, tb111405730
Herculaneum House of Black Hall ceiling, tb111405731
Herculaneum House of Black Hall courtyard, tb111405728
Herculaneum House of Black Hall courtyard, tb111405737
Herculaneum House of Black Hall frescoes, tb111405733
Herculaneum House of Black Hall frescoes, tb111405736
Herculaneum House of Black Hall preserved timbers, tb111405739
Herculaneum House of Black Hall roof drain, tb111405729
Herculaneum House of Black Hall, tb111405732
Herculaneum House of Neptune and Amphitrite mosaic, tb111405771
Herculaneum House of Neptune and Amphitrite, tb111405768
Herculaneum House of Neptune and Amphitrite, tb111405769
Herculaneum House of Relief of Telephus, tb111405819
Herculaneum House of the Beautiful Courtyard staircase, tb111405762
Herculaneum House of the Corinthian Atrium double axehead mosaic, tb111405795
Herculaneum House of the Corinthian Atrium, tb111405793
Herculaneum House of the Deer courtyard, tb111405827
Herculaneum House of the Deer floor tiles, tb111405833
Herculaneum House of the Deer statue, tb111405828
Herculaneum House of the Deer statue, tb111405829
Herculaneum House of the Deer statue, tb111405830
Herculaneum House of the Deer statue, tb111405831
Herculaneum House of the Deer table, tb111405832
Herculaneum House of the Genius, tb111405680
Herculaneum House of the Wooden Partition skylight, tb111405846
Herculaneum House of the Wooden Partition, bed, tb111405851
Herculaneum House of the Wooden Partition, tb111405845
Herculaneum houses, tb111405677
Herculaneum houses, tb111405861
Herculaneum large roof tiles, tb111405681
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse apodyterium basin, tb111405696
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse apodyterium ceiling, tb111405694
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse apodyterium, tb111405690
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse apodyterium, tb111405693
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse caldarium, tb111405701
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse frigidarium, tb111405698
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse pipe in caldarium wall, tb111405703
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse tepidarium floor collapsed, tb111405707
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse tepidarium floor collapsed, tb111405710
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse tepidarium, tb111405699
Herculaneum men’s bathhouse wall construction, tb111405700
Herculaneum palestra covered area, tb111405809
Herculaneum palestra staircase, tb111405808
Herculaneum palestra, tb111405802
Herculaneum palestra, tb111405806
Herculaneum palestra, tb111405807
Herculaneum ruins from southeast, tb111405657
Herculaneum ruins from southwest, tb111405659
Herculaneum ruins from southwest, tb111405660
Herculaneum ruins from west with Mount Vesuvius, tb111405667
Herculaneum ruins, tb111405869
Herculaneum second story building, tb111405798
Herculaneum shop with second story, tb111405778
Herculaneum shop with tying post, tb111405779
Herculaneum shop with wine amphorae, tb111405777
Herculaneum staircase to second floor, tb111405682
Herculaneum stone basin, tb111405810
Herculaneum storehouses, tb111405862
Herculaneum suburban baths and altar, tb111405868
Herculaneum suburban baths, tb111405662
Herculaneum thermopolium, tb111405685
Herculaneum thermopolium, tb111405687
Herculaneum thermopolium, tb111405743
Herculaneum two story houses view from Black Hall, tb111405734
Herculaneum tying stone on street, tb111405782
Herculaneum view of western end of excavations, tb111405668
Herculaneum window bars, tb111405840
Herculaneum window bars, tb111405841
Herculaneum window bars, tb111405842
Herculaneum women’s bathhouse apodyterium mosaic, tb111405716
Herculaneum women’s bathhouse caldarium, tb111405724
Herculaneum women’s bathhouse tepidarium bench, tb111405719
Herculaneum women’s bathhouse tepidarium, tb111405717
Herculaneum wooden clothes press, tb111405855
Mount Vesuvius (8)
Mount Vesuvius crater upper layers, tb111705577
Mount Vesuvius crater, tb111705583
Mount Vesuvius from south with Gulf of Naples, tb111505273
Mount Vesuvius from south, tb111705535
Mount Vesuvius from south, tb111705547
Mount Vesuvius from west, tb111405870
Mount Vesuvius from west, tb111405874
Naples and Mount Vesuvius from northwest, tb111705684
Paestum (17)
Paestum amphitheater, tb111505337
Paestum campus, tb111505291
Paestum ekklesiasterion, tb111505328
Paestum forum from southeast, tb111505322
Paestum forum, wk022803811
Paestum heroon, tb111505289
Paestum Sacred Way, tb111505303
Paestum Temple of Athena from southeast, tb111505330
Paestum Temple of Athena from southeast, tb111505335
Paestum Temple of Athena, tb111505288
Paestum Temple of Hera and Temple of Neptune, tb111505313
Paestum Temple of Hera, tb111505307
Paestum Temple of Neptune, tb111505299
Paestum Temple of Neptune, tb111505314
Paestum Temple of Neptune, wk022803814
Paestum Temple of Peace from forum, tb111505323
Paestum view to Temples of Hera and Neptune from Temple of Athena, tb111505280
Pompeii (187)
Mount Vesuvius from Pompeii amphitheater, tb111505924
Pompeii Abbondanza and Stabiana intersection, tb111505979
Pompeii Abbondanza and Stabiana intersection, tb111505982
Pompeii Abbondanza Street, tb111505025
Pompeii Abbondanza Street, tb111505026
Pompeii Abbondanza Street, tb111505027
Pompeii Abbondanza Street, tb111505950
Pompeii Abbondanza Street, tb111505985
Pompeii amphitheater entrance, tb111505894
Pompeii amphitheater entrance, tb111505925
Pompeii amphitheater exterior, tb111505268
Pompeii amphitheater exterior, tb111505271
Pompeii amphitheater inscription, tb111505895
Pompeii amphitheater panorama, tb11150589p
Pompeii amphitheater panorama, tb11150591p
Pompeii amphitheater panorama, tb11150592p
Pompeii amphitheater seats, tb111505904
Pompeii amphitheater seats, tb111505905
Pompeii amphitheater seats, tb111505908
Pompeii amphitheater staircase, tb111505907
Pompeii amphitheater, tb111505903
Pompeii amphitheater, tb111505913
Pompeii amphitheater, tb111505918
Pompeii artifacts, tb111505061
Pompeii bakery oven, tb111505135
Pompeii bakery oven, tb111505227
Pompeii bakery with millstone and oven, tb111505134
Pompeii bakery with millstones and oven, tb111505226
Pompeii basilica, tb111505039
Pompeii Building of Eumachia marble doorframe, tb111505108
Pompeii Building of Eumachia niche with inscription, tb111505103
Pompeii Building of Eumachia niche with inscription, tb111505104
Pompeii Building of Eumachia, tb111505107
Pompeii Cemetery of Herculaneum Gate, tb111505162
Pompeii Consolare Street and Modesto Street intersection, tb111505131
Pompeii Consolare Street paving stones, tb111505157
Pompeii Consolare Street, tb111505192
Pompeii forum with Mount Vesuvius, tb111505029
Pompeii forum with Mount Vesuvius, tb111505035
Pompeii forum, tb111505032
Pompeii fountain at street intersection, tb111505006
Pompeii fountain at street intersection, tb111505007
Pompeii fountain at street intersection, tb111505263
Pompeii fountain at street intersection, tb111505264
Pompeii Herculaneum Gate, tb111505154
Pompeii honorary arch and food market, tb111505088
Pompeii honorary arch, tb111505087
Pompeii house atrium, tb111505247
Pompeii house dog mosaic with Beware of Dog inscription, wk022703818
Pompeii house dog mosaic, tb111505955
Pompeii House of Ara Maxima entrance to atrium, tb111505229
Pompeii House of Ara Maxima frescoes, tb111505230
Pompeii House of Ara Maxima frescoes, tb111505232
Pompeii House of Castor and Pollux atrium, tb111505196
Pompeii House of Castor and Pollux frescoes, tb111505197
Pompeii House of Castor and Pollux, tb111505195
Pompeii House of Faun mosaic of Alexander the Great, tb111505213
Pompeii House of Faun mosaic of Alexander the Great, tb111505216
Pompeii House of Faun mosaic of Alexander the Great, tb111505217
Pompeii House of Faun mosaic of birds, tb111505218
Pompeii House of Faun peristyle, tb111505212
Pompeii House of Faun peristyle, tb111505221
Pompeii House of Faun statue of faun, tb111505219
Pompeii House of Faun wall decoration, tb111505220
Pompeii House of Larario of Achille frescoes, tb111505958
Pompeii House of Lyre Player middle peristyle dogs attacking boar statue, tb111505975
Pompeii House of Lyre Player middle peristyle, tb111505973
Pompeii House of Lyre Player peristyle, tb111505977
Pompeii House of Lyre Player statue, tb111505978
Pompeii House of Meleager frescoes, tb111505207
Pompeii House of Meleager peristyle basin, tb111505206
Pompeii House of Meleager room, tb111505205
Pompeii House of Octavius Quartius channel, tb111505947
Pompeii House of Octavius Quartius fresco of Thisbe and Pyramus suicides, tb111505945
Pompeii House of Octavius Quartius garden, tb111505946
Pompeii House of Pansa peristyle, tb111505128
Pompeii House of Pansa, tb111505127
Pompeii House of Sallust atrium, tb111505151
Pompeii House of Sallust wall decoration, tb111505152
Pompeii House of Small Fountain fresco, tb111505146
Pompeii House of Small Fountain fresco, tb111505147
Pompeii House of Small Fountain, tb111505144
Pompeii House of Small Fountain, tb111505148
Pompeii House of the Ancient Hunt atrium, tb111505257
Pompeii House of the Ancient Hunt columns, tb111505260
Pompeii House of the Ancient Hunt floor tiled with potsherds, tb111505262
Pompeii House of the Ancient Hunt fresco, tb111505258
Pompeii House of the Ancient Hunt fresco, tb111505259
Pompeii House of the Ceii fresco of animals, tb111505968
Pompeii House of the Centaur, tb111505201
Pompeii House of Venus in Shell fresco of fountain, tb111505940
Pompeii House of Venus in Shell fresco of Venus, tb111505935
Pompeii House of Venus in Shell peristyle, tb111505930
Pompeii House of Venus in Shell, painting, tb111505936
Pompeii House of Vettii entrance, tb111505224
Pompeii House of Vettii fresco of Priapo, tb111505222
Pompeii house wall with red plaster, wk030902423
Pompeii large palestra from east, tb111505893
Pompeii large palestra from east, tb111505910
Pompeii large palestra from west, tb111505889
Pompeii large theater, tb111505989
Pompeii large theater, tb111505991
Pompeii large theater, tb111505993
Pompeii lead water pipes covered with terra cotta, wk022703817
Pompeii macellum, food market exterior, tb111505089
Pompeii macellum, food market wall painting, tb111505093
Pompeii macellum, food market, exterior, tb111505079
Pompeii macellum, food market, tb111505091
Pompeii mensa ponderaria, measuring table, tb111505054
Pompeii millstone, tb111505059
Pompeii narrow street, tb111505244
Pompeii Nuceria Gate, tb111505881
Pompeii Nuceria Street, tb111505886
Pompeii plaster cast of human body in Building of Eumachia, tb111505111
Pompeii plaster cast of human body in Building of Eumachia, tb111505115
Pompeii plaster cast of human body, tb111505062
Pompeii plaster cast of human body, tb111505069
Pompeii public bar with amphora for wine, wk030902420
Pompeii public bar, tb111505123
Pompeii public bar, tb111505251
Pompeii public reservoir of Vesuvius Gate, tb111505234
Pompeii relief, tb111505075
Pompeii ruins from theater with Mount Vesuvius, tb111505995
Pompeii ruins from theater, tb111505996
Pompeii small theater inscription, tb111505998
Pompeii small theater statue, tb111505002
Pompeii small theater, tb111505000
Pompeii southern cemetery, tb111505878
Pompeii southern city wall, tb111505877
Pompeii southern city wall, tb111505883
Pompeii Stabian Baths apodyterium, tb111505022
Pompeii Stabian Baths ceiling, tb111505023
Pompeii Stabian Baths men’s frigidarium, tb111505018
Pompeii Stabian Baths men’s tepidarium, tb111505020
Pompeii Stabian Baths palestra decoration, tb111505024
Pompeii Stabian Baths palestra view north, tb111505243
Pompeii Stabian Baths palestra view west, tb111505011
Pompeii Stabian Baths vestibulum ceiling, tb111505017
Pompeii Stabian Baths vestibulum, tb111505015
Pompeii Stabian Baths vestibulum, tb111505016
Pompeii Stabiana Street with stepping stones, tb111505987
Pompeii statue, tb111505077
Pompeii Stephanus Laundry basin, tb111505960
Pompeii Stephanus Laundry big basins, tb111505961
Pompeii Stephanus Laundry pipe in wall, storejars, tb111505963
Pompeii Stephanus Laundry pipe in wall, tb111505962
Pompeii storejars, tb111505065
Pompeii storejars, tb111505066
Pompeii Street of the Baths, tb111505124
Pompeii Street of the Tombs, tb111505159
Pompeii street with chariot ruts and stepping stones, tb111505004
Pompeii street with wheel ruts and crossing stones, tb111505240
Pompeii street with wheel ruts, tb111505249
Pompeii street with wheel ruts, tb111505265
Pompeii street, tb111505028
Pompeii street, tb111505149
Pompeii street, tb111505966
Pompeii table legs, tb111505076
Pompeii Temple of Apollo statue, tb111505050
Pompeii Temple of Apollo, tb111505047
Pompeii Temple of Apollo, tb111505048
Pompeii Temple of Fortuna Augusta, tb111505120
Pompeii Temple of Jupiter with Mount Vesuvius, tb111505031
Pompeii Temple of Jupiter, tb111505085
Pompeii Temple of Public Lares, tb111505094
Pompeii Temple of Venus, tb111505042
Pompeii Temple of Vespasian altar, tb111505100
Pompeii Temple of Vespasian, tb111505099
Pompeii Tomb of Augustalis Marcus Cerrinius Restitutus, tb111505160
Pompeii Tomb of C Calventius Quietus, tb111505165
Pompeii Tomb of L Barbidius Communis, tb111505880
Pompeii Tomb of M Alleius Luccius Libella, tb111505166
Pompeii Tower of Mercury, tb111505209
Pompeii Vesuvius Street, tb111505238
Pompeii Villa of Diomedes, tb111505168
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries door, tb111505188
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries frescoes, tb111505173
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries frescoes, tb111505181
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries frescoes, tb111505185
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries frescoes, tb111505186
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries oven, tb111505177
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries roof, tb111505170
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries window, tb111505190
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries winepress, tb111505182
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries, tb111505171
Pompeii Villa of Mysteries, tb111505178
Pompeii wheeled cart, tb111505063
Puteoli (25)
Naples and Puteoli view from Mount Vesuvius, tb111705555
Naples view from Mount Vesuvius panorama, tb11170555p
Puteoli amphitheater aerial from north, bb19900018
Puteoli Baths of Neptune, tb111705646
Puteoli Flavian amphitheater arches supporting arena, tb111705651
Puteoli Flavian amphitheater arches supporting arena, tb111705653
Puteoli Flavian amphitheater arches supporting arena, tb111705657
Puteoli Flavian amphitheater arches supporting seats, tb111705668
Puteoli Flavian amphitheater monumental architecture, tb111705676
Puteoli Flavian amphitheater panorama, tb11170566p
Puteoli Flavian amphitheater panorama, tb11170567p
Puteoli Flavian amphitheater, tb111705648
Puteoli Flavian amphitheater, tb111705663
Puteoli Flavian amphitheater, tb111705671
Puteoli forum, 1st century AD, tb111705607
Puteoli forum, 1st century AD, tb111705610
Puteoli forum, 1st century AD, tb111705615
Puteoli harbor aerial, bb19900032
Puteoli harbor and Bay of Naples from north, tb111705596
Puteoli harbor from northwest, tb111705594
Puteoli harbor, tb111705642
Puteoli latrine near forum, tb111705599
Puteoli latrine near forum, tb111705601
Puteoli shoreline from east, tb111705595
Puteoli shoreline to east of city, tb111705678
Rhegium (9)
Messina shoreline, tb111605493
Messina shoreline, tb111605494
Rhegium 15th century castle, tb111605510
Rhegium church, tb111605509
Rhegium coastline, tb111605519
Rhegium Roman baths with mosaic, tb111605515
Rhegium Roman baths, tb111605516
Rhegium view to southeast, tb111605508
Straits of Messina, view to Rhegium, tb111605500
Scenes of Italy (7)
Capri Island from Mount Vesuvius, tb111705592
Italy countryside aerial, tb112105935
Italy villages near Rome aerial, tb112105936
Italy villages near Rome aerial, tb112105940
Naples Gulf view to south with Capri Island, tb111705590
Sicily snow-covered mountains aerial from west, tb112105932
Sicily snow-covered mountains aerial from west, tb112105933
Syracuse (52)
Syracuse altar of Hieron II panorama, tb11160544p
Syracuse altar of Hieron II, tb111605403
Syracuse ancient quarry, tb111605400
Syracuse ancient quarry, tb111605402
Syracuse ancient quarry, tb111605429
Syracuse bridge with boats, tb111605344
Syracuse Cathedral converted from Greek temple, tb111605357
Syracuse Cathedral exterior with Greek temple columns, tb111605381
Syracuse Cathedral interior with Greek temple columns, tb111605362
Syracuse Cathedral interior with Greek temple columns, tb111605373
Syracuse Cathedral interior, painting of Paul, tb111605369
Syracuse Cathedral interior, painting of Paul, tb111605371
Syracuse Cathedral interior, tb111605359
Syracuse city fountain, tb111605385
Syracuse city street, tb111605386
Syracuse Fountain of Arethusa spring, tb111605352
Syracuse Fountain of Arethusa spring, tb111605356
Syracuse Greek theater orchestra, tb111605417
Syracuse Greek theater panorama, tb11160541p
Syracuse Greek theater panorama, tb11160543p
Syracuse Greek theater panorama1, tb11160541p
Syracuse Greek theater seats, tb111605421
Syracuse Greek theater seats, tb111605423
Syracuse Greek theater seats, tb111605425
Syracuse Greek theater staircase, tb111605427
Syracuse Greek theater, tb111605408
Syracuse Greek theater, tb111605415
Syracuse Greek theater, tb111605430
Syracuse Greek theater, tb111605433
Syracuse Grotto of Nymphaeum area, tb111605435
Syracuse Grotto of Nymphaeum area, tb111605443
Syracuse Grotto of Nymphaeum, tb111605434
Syracuse modern harbor, tb111605345
Syracuse monumental building next to Roman theater, tb111605481
Syracuse niches near Roman amphitheater, tb111605452
Syracuse Roman amphitheater entrance, tb111605462
Syracuse Roman amphitheater panorama, tb11160545p
Syracuse Roman amphitheater panorama, tb11160546p
Syracuse Roman amphitheater seats, tb111605465
Syracuse Roman amphitheater staircase, tb111605455
Syracuse Roman amphitheater, tb111605456
Syracuse Roman theater complex, tb111605482
Syracuse Roman theater seats, tb111605485
Syracuse Roman theater, tb111605474
Syracuse Roman theater, tb111605476
Syracuse sarcophagi near Roman amphitheater, tb111605467
Syracuse shoreline to northwest, tb111605348
Syracuse shoreline, tb111605339
Syracuse shoreline, tb111605341
Syracuse Temple of Apollo, tb111605389
Syracuse Temple of Apollo, tb111605394
Syracuse Temple of Apollo, tb111605395
Megalithic Temples (25)
Hagar Qim temple aerial, bb20760040
Hagar Qim temple aerial, bb20760058
Hagar Qim temple external niche, tb112005786
Hagar Qim temple interior, tb112005777
Hagar Qim temple megalithic stone, 20 tons, tb112005788
Hagar Qim temple megalithic stones, tb112005789
Hagar Qim temple objects, tb112005776
Hagar Qim temple roofing, tb112005779
Hagar Qim temple, 3600 BC, tb112005774
Hagar Qim temple, 3600 BC, tb112005822
Hagar Qim temple, 3600 BC, tb112005824
Hagar Qim temple, 3600 BC, tb112005825
Hagar Qim temple, tb112005781
Hagar Qim west temple, tb112005784
Mnajdra Neolithic temples aerial, bb20760064
Mnajdra Neolithic temples aerial, bb20760074
Mnajdra Neolithic East Temple, tb112005801
Mnajdra Neolithic Lower Temple decorated stones, tb112005810
Mnajdra Neolithic Middle Temple, tb112005803
Mnajdra Neolithic Middle Temple, tb112005804
Mnajdra Neolithic South Temple pillar altars, tb112005815
Mnajdra Neolithic South Temple, tb112005808
Mnajdra Neolithic South Temple, tb112005812
Mnajdra Neolithic temples, tb112005819
Mnajdra Neolithic temples, tb112005820
Rabat (24)
Rabat Church of St Paul facade, tb112005728
Rabat Church of St Paul, statue, tb112005626
Rabat Museum of Roman Antiquities with Roman house facade, tb112005704
Rabat Roman house excavations, tb112005699
Rabat Roman house excavations, tb112005701
Rabat Roman house excavations, tb112005702
Rabat Roman house excavations, tb112005703
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs arcosolium, tb112005574
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs bench with headrest, tb112005604
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs benches, tb112005557
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs benches, tb112005606
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs benches, tb112005619
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs entrances, tb112005621
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs hallway, tb112005577
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs inscription, tb112005580
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs tomb plug, tb112005542
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs triclinium, tb112005613
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs, tb112005546
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs, tb112005564
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs, tb112005566
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs, tb112005585
Rabat St Paul’s Catacombs, tb112005596
Rabat, statue in plaza, tb112005627
St Agatha statue in Rabat, tb112005537
San Pawl Milqi (5)
San Pawl Milqi area from south, tb112005531
San Pawl Milqi chapel interior, tb112005515
San Pawl Milqi Roman villa excavations with St Paul’s Bay, tb112005510
San Pawl Milqi Roman villa excavations, tb112005506
St Paul’s Bay from San Pawl Milqi, tb112005507
Scenes of Malta (31)
Clapham Junction cart ruts, bb20750001
Clapham Junction cart ruts, bb20760031
Dingli cliffs area, tb112005751
Dingli cliffs from east, tb112005740
Dingli cliffs from west, tb112005742
Ghar Lapsi cliffs, tb112005755
Ghar Lapsi lagoon, tb112005757
Ghar Lapsi lagoon, tb112005758
Ghar Lapsi lagoon, tb112005759
Ghar Lapsi lagoon, tb112005760
Ghar Lapsi lagoon, tb112005767
Island of Gozo with clouds aerial, tb111905282
Malta countryside north from Mdina, tb112005721
Malta countryside north of Dingli cliffs, tb112005737
Malta Delimara peninsula and Marsaxlokk Bay aerial from northeast, tb111905317
Malta Fort Delimara aerial from south, tb111905328
Malta Mellieha Bay aerial from northeast, tb111905286
Malta southeastern end of island aerial from east, tb111905320
Malta southeastern part of island aerial from northeast, tb111905314
Malta southeastern shoreline aerial from south, tb111905326
Malta southern part of island aerial, tb111905342
Malta southern part of island aerial, tb111905344
Malta southern part of island aerial, tb111905345
Malta view north from Mdina panorama, tb11200571p
Mdina from south, tb112005754
Mdina Greek’s Gate, tb112005705
Mdina Main Gate, tb112005727
Mdina St Paul’s Cathedral facade, tb112005711
Mdina street, tb112005707
Tas Silg Roman Temple of Juno excavations, tb112005828
Tas Silg Roman Temple of Juno excavations, tb112005831
St Paul’s Bay (29)
Countryside south of St Paul’s Bay, tb112005497
Fishermen in St Paul’s Bay, tb112005486
St Paul’s and Salina Bays from north aerial, tb111905290
St Paul’s and Salina Bays from northeast aerial, tb111905295
St Paul’s and Salina Bays from northeast aerial, tb111905296
St Paul’s Bay and St Paul’s Island from south panorama, tb11200546p
St Paul’s Bay and St Paul’s Island from southeast, tb112005456
St Paul’s Bay and St Paul’s Island from southeast, tb112005464
St Paul’s Bay and St Paul’s Island panorama, tb11200589p
St Paul’s Bay from east, tb112005434
St Paul’s Bay from Mdina, tb112005717
St Paul’s Bay from northeast aerial, tb111905288
St Paul’s Bay from northeast, tb112005433
St Paul’s Bay from northeast, tb112005440
St Paul’s Bay from northwest, tb112005492
St Paul’s Bay from northwest, tb112005907
St Paul’s Bay from south, tb112005474
St Paul’s Bay from south, tb112005494
St Paul’s Bay from west, tb112005482
St Paul’s Bay from west, tb112005896
St Paul’s Bay shoreline west of St Paul’s Island, tb112005904
St Paul’s Bay shoreline, tb112005438
St Paul’s Island and Bay aerial from north, bb20750081
St Paul’s Island from south, tb112005885
St Paul’s Island from south, tb112005895
St Paul’s Island from southeast, tb112005454
St Paul’s Island from southwest, tb112005903
St Paul’s Shipwreck Church, tb112005450
Sunset from St Paul’s Bay, tb112005916
St Thomas Bay (11)
Malta view from Munxar Reef with rainbow, tb112005874
Munxar Reef from northwest, tb112005840
Munxar Reef from west with rainbow, tb112005863
Munxar Reef from west, tb112005861
St Thomas Bay from Munxar Reef panorama, tb11200587p
St Thomas Bay from Munxar Reef, tb112005880
St Thomas Bay from south, tb112005862
St Thomas Bay northern shoreline, tb112005845
St Thomas Bay view northwest from Munxar Reef, tb112005864
St Thomas Bay view northwest from Munxar Reef, tb112005875
St Thomas Bay with Munxar Reef from northwest, tb112005848
Valletta (14)
Malta Sliema and northern coast aerial, tb111905299
Malta Three Cities aerial from northeast, tb111905306
Malta view north to Valletta from Birzebbuga aerial, tb111905336
Malta view to Valletta from south aerial, tb111905340
St Paul Street sign in Valletta, tb111905424
Valletta aerial from east, tb111905308
Valletta aerial from north, tb111905302
Valletta aerial from northeast, bb20750019
Valletta aerial from northeast, tb111905305
Valletta fortifications from southwest, tb111905351
Valletta St Johns Co-Cathedral, tb111905353
Valletta St Paul Shipwrecked Church facade, tb111905429
Valletta St Paul Shipwrecked Church sign, tb111905431
Valletta St Paul Shipwrecked Church, Paul statue, tb111905427