- Pictorial Library
- Galilée et Nord
- Samarie et Centre
- Jérusalem
- Juda et Mer Morte
- Néguev et Désert
- Jordanie
- Egypte
- Liban
- Turquie Orientale et Centrale
- Turquie Occidentale
- Grèce
- Les Iles Grecques
- Chypre et Crète
- Italie et Malte
- Rome
- Arbres, Plantes, et Fleurs
- Images Culturelles de la Terre Sainte
- Pancartes de la Terre Sainte
- Collection Complète
Pictorial Library

Toutes les images sont des fichiers jpg de haute résolution (1600 x 1200 ou plus), idéales pour projection dans les classes, pour visionnage sur un moniteur ou pour être imprimées. Aussi, sont compris sur chaque DVD des fichiers PowerPoint déjà préparés sur chaque région (avec annotations pour les photos), des cartes d’identification de sites, un index d’images, et un index de sites.
En savoir plus sur les sites dans ce Volume
Index of Photographs on this DVD
- Christian Quarter
- Church of Holy Sepulcher
- Citadel of David
- City of David
- City of David Watersystems
- Dome of the Rock
- Jewish Quarter
- Model of Jerusalem
- Mount of Olives
- Mount Zion
- Museums of Jerusalem
- Old City
- Old City Gates
- Pools of Bethesda
- Southern Temple Mount Excavations
- Temple Mount
- Tombs of Jerusalem
- Valleys of Jerusalem
- Via Dolorosa
- Views of Jerusalem
- West Jerusalem
- Western Wall
- Western Wall Tunnel
Christian Quarter (36)
Ali Baba Souvenir Shop, Shaban, tb010312282
Armenian Ceramic Center shop, tb010312255
Cardo street from Lutheran Church tower, tb011610679
Christ Church interior, tb011612804
Christ Church, tb011612801
Christian Quarter aerial from north, tb031900205
Christian Quarter and Mount of Olives with snow, at021504001
Christian Quarter market, tb011610738
Christian Quarter street from Lutheran Church tower, tbs75229303
Christian Quarter street with Lutheran Church tower, tb092902207
Christian Quarter street, tb060601212
Christian Quarter view west from Lutheran Church tower, tb011610632
Church in Christian Quarter, tb011612778
Church of St John the Baptist, tb010312346
Cistern under Coptic Patriarchate near Holy Sepulcher, tb011612018
Cross on Lutheran Church of Redeemer, tb011610687
Decumanus street from above, tb010310749
Doorway in Christian Quarter, tb010312349
Drink stand in Old City, cd091015301
Hezekiah’s Pool, Towers Pool with water, tb041506877
Hezekiah’s Pool, Towers Pool, after cleaning, tb011612760
Imperial and Gloria Hotels, tb123109423
Jaffa Gate area aerial from southwest, tb010703205
Jaffa Gate area at night, tb032301201
Jaffa Gate plaza, tb051908277
Jewish and Christian Quarters from Hurva Synagogue, tb010312415
Latin Patriarchate building, tb010310726
Lutheran Church of Redeemer from tower, tb011610665
Lutheran Church of Redeemer interior, tb011610695
Lutheran Church of Redeemer tower, tb011612772
Muristan fountain from above, tb090402203
Muristan from above, tb011610617
Petra Hostel from above, tb012004586
Policemen on horseback in Old City, tb122604484
Shop in Christian Quarter, tb022705425
St Savior’s Cathedral, tb010312260
Church of Holy Sepulcher (55)
Holy Sepulcher aerial, bb00030099
Holy Sepulcher ancient column, tb010312333
Holy Sepulcher anointing mosaic with burial, tb010312306
Holy Sepulcher anointing mosaic, tb010312305
Holy Sepulcher anointing mosaic, tb030801201
Holy Sepulcher anointing stone, tb033100208
Holy Sepulcher Armenian Palm Sunday service, tb041506896
Holy Sepulcher Armenian Palm Sunday service, tb041506908
Holy Sepulcher Armenian Palm Sunday service, tb041506916
Holy Sepulcher bell tower, tb011610625
Holy Sepulcher Byzantine column, tb081004179
Holy Sepulcher ceremony at traditional place of crucifixion, tb060900201
Holy Sepulcher Chapel of Adam with Golgotha rock outcrop, tb041506883
Holy Sepulcher Chapel of Adam, adr080719440
Holy Sepulcher Constantinian column, tb031605694
Holy Sepulcher courtyard, tb081004181
Holy Sepulcher cracked column and locked doors at night, adr080726182
Holy Sepulcher Crusader room, tb081004182
Holy Sepulcher decorations with egg and dart, tb090405845
Holy Sepulcher dome and edicule, tb010312331
Holy Sepulcher dome interior, tb030801202
Holy Sepulcher dome, tb011610708
Holy Sepulcher edicule and dome, eh122911768
Holy Sepulcher edicule from above, tb030706610
Holy Sepulcher edicule panorama, tb030706611
Holy Sepulcher edicule, tb030801203
Holy Sepulcher Ethiopian village, tb081004175
Holy Sepulcher Ethiopian village, tb081004183
Holy Sepulcher facade and bell tower, tb010312291
Holy Sepulcher facade with ladder, tb010312294
Holy Sepulcher facade, tb011610699
Holy Sepulcher first-century tombs, tb010312317
Holy Sepulcher first-century tombs, tb010312318
Holy Sepulcher first-century tombs, tb010312325
Holy Sepulcher from above, tb011610614
Holy Sepulcher from Petra roof, tb123199211
Holy Sepulcher Golgotha rock outcrop, tb010312335
Holy Sepulcher Golgotha rock outcrop, tb092902204
Holy Sepulcher Greek Orthodox chapel, tb011610711
Holy Sepulcher Greek Orthodox Palm Sunday procession, tb041606927
Holy Sepulcher lighting of candles, tb041506905
Holy Sepulcher place of crucifixion, tb092902203
Holy Sepulcher Roman Catholic Easter service, tb042003202
Holy Sepulcher Roman Catholic Easter service, tb042003203
Holy Sepulcher Roman Catholic procession, tb042003204
Holy Sepulcher Roman wall, possibly from Hadrian’s Forum, tb030706595
Holy Sepulcher Roman wall, possibly from Hadrian’s Forum, tb030706604
Holy Sepulcher roof, tb081004176
Holy Sepulcher scourging pillar of Caiaphas, tb030706606
Holy Sepulcher St Vartan’s chapel, ancient quarry, tb030706654
Holy Sepulcher St Vartan’s chapel, mosaic, tb030706671
Holy Sepulcher St Vartan’s chapel, ship in charcoal, tb030706669
Holy Sepulcher tomb of Christ, tb092902205
Holy Sepulcher well, tb081004184
Holy Sepulcher western gate after repairs, tb010310591
Citadel of David (32)
Citadel of David and Old City walls from south, tb102903669
Citadel of David catapult stones from Seleucid army, tb051908194
Citadel of David courtyard from above, tbs55069012
Citadel of David courtyard, Hasmonean period First Wall, tb051908261
Citadel of David courtyard, Hasmonean period First Wall, tb051908272
Citadel of David courtyard, Hasmonean period First Wall, tb051908301
Citadel of David first-century towers, tb051908249
Citadel of David from south, tb102903685
Citadel of David from west, tb010910148
Citadel of David gatehouse with Turkish door, tb051908331
Citadel of David gatehouse, tb051908332
Citadel of David Herod’s palace and Hasmonean remains, tb051908190
Citadel of David in early morning light, tb090705945
Citadel of David minaret from north, tb011612047
Citadel of David minaret from west, tb011612056
Citadel of David minaret with full moon, tb091103007
Citadel of David minaret, tb051908287
Citadel of David moat from south, tb091306288
Citadel of David tower, tb051908244
Citadel of David with snow from west, tb012800201
Citadel of David, Herod’s Tower and Jaffa Gate area, tb010310770
Citadel of David, Herod’s tower from northeast, tb011610620
Citadel of David, Herod’s Tower stones at base, tb051908206
Citadel of David, Herod’s Tower, tb010310747
Citadel of David, Herod’s Tower, tb031605592
Citadel of David, Herod’s Tower, tb051908201
Citadel of David, tb010910156
New City from Citadel of David, tb051908300
Old City and Jaffa Gate area from west, tb010910144
Old City wall through Citadel of David arrow slit, tb051908259
Old City wall view from Citadel of David, tb051908262
Old City walls and Citadel of David with full moon, tb091103048
City of David (77)
Area G Burnt Chamber, tb091102201
Area G House of Bullae from north, tb051803203
Central Valley excavations, tb010910229
Central Valley excavations, tb123011044
Central Valley excavations, tb123011047
Central Valley Second Temple period house excavations from east, tb091306345
Central Valley Second Temple period house excavations, tb070305490
Central Valley Second Temple period house excavations, tb070305496
City of David aerial from east, tb010703201
City of David aerial from east, tb010703202
City of David aerial from south, bb00020027
City of David and Kidron Valley from north, tb042306047
City of David and Mount of Olives from southwest, tb091306406
City of David Area E and east slope from east, tb021504848
City of David Area E city wall from above, tb123011005
City of David Area E city wall from north, tb022705705
City of David Area E city wall from north, tb123011003
City of David Area E city wall, tb012603601
City of David Area E excavations from south, tb022705709
City of David Area E from east, tb091306308
City of David Area E Middle Bronze and Iron Age walls, tb022705310
City of David Area G excavations from north, tb022705304
City of David Area G from east, tb012603201
City of David Area G from north, tb051803201
City of David Area G from southeast, tb091306302
City of David Area G from southeast, tb091306304
City of David Area G toilet, tb051803209
City of David Area G toilet, tb051803210
City of David Area G with snow, tb022603202
City of David Area G, House of Ahiel from above, df090701202
City of David Area G, House of Ahiel from north, tb022705312
City of David Area G, House of Ahiel, tb123005418
City of David Area G, Kidron Valley and Hill of Offense from west, tb102306088
City of David Area G, Stepped Stone Structure and Palace of David, tb051907769
City of David Area G, Stepped Stone Structure cross-section, tb123199220
City of David Area G, Stepped Stone Structure from north, tb051908122
City of David Area G, Stepped Stone Structure from north, tb102306081
City of David Area G, tb012801201
City of David eastern slope and Mount of Olives, tb022705702
City of David eastern slope with snow, tb021504754
City of David excavations aerial, tb031900202
City of David excavations near Warren’s Shaft, tb091306306
City of David first century dovecote, tb030103201
City of David from northeast, tb012603203
City of David from south, tb051907721
City of David from southeast, tb091306301
City of David from west panorama, tb082305980
City of David Middle Bronze and Iron Age walls, tb042306031
City of David Middle Bronze and Iron Age walls, tb042306032
City of David Middle Bronze and Iron walls from east, tb021504853
City of David Middle Bronze wall, tb031003205
City of David south end and Mount Zion from east, tb021504824
City of David, excavations near proposed tombs of House of David, tb013107463
City of David, mikveh near proposed tombs of House of David, tb022705333
City of David, mikveh steps near proposed tombs of House of David, tb022705330
City of David, Palace of David area, large stone wall, tb102306176
City of David, Palace of David area, large stone wall, tb102306181
City of David, Palace of David excavation area, tb102306085
City of David, Palace of David excavations with Eilat Mazar, tb102306099
City of David, Palace of David excavations, tb102306103
City of David, quarry near proposed tombs of House of David, tb022705331
City of David, quarry near proposed tombs of House of David, tb123011009
City of David, quarry near proposed tombs of House of David, tb123011010
City of David, quarry near proposed tombs of House of David, tb123011017
En Rogel from northwest, tb082305480
En Rogel view northwest to Mount Zion, tb110804022
En Rogel, tb110804019
Iron Age wall in Kidron Valley south of Gihon, tb012603216
Iron Age wall in Kidron Valley south of Gihon, tb123199212
Meyuhas House in City of David, tb123011015
Middle Bronze and Iron Age walls of Kenyon, tb031003204
Pool of Siloam and En Rogel from north, adr080718253
Silwan from City of David, tb012603227
Temple Mount and City of David aerial from east, tb010703232
Temple Mount and City of David aerial from s, tb010703233
Temple Mount and City of David aerial from southwest, tb010703234
Theodotus Inscription replica in City of David, tb123011014
City of David Watersystems (93)
Byzantine church column at Byzantine Pool of Siloam, tb051803208
Byzantine Pool of Siloam from above, tbs41149009
Byzantine Pool of Siloam from Hezekiah’s Tunnel, tb051905954
Byzantine Pool of Siloam without water, tb013107457
Byzantine Pool of Siloam without water, tb013107459
Byzantine Pool of Siloam, tb051905955
Central Valley and Pool of Siloam area from s, tb012603202
City of David watersystems, Ben Zvi model, tb031200202
Eli Shukron with pottery, tb110705649
Excavating Hezekiah’s Tunnel, tb100599201
Gihon Spring entrance, adr080718263
Gihon Spring from Tomb of Pharaoh’s Daughter, adr080718291
Gihon Spring steps and Siloam Channel entrance, tb031003201
Gihon Spring, tb031003202
Gihon Spring, tb110705566
Gihon springhouse threshold, Second Temple period, tb031003026
Hezekiah’s Tunnel and bottom of Warren’s Shaft, tb092902202
Hezekiah’s Tunnel false turn, mg080720558
Hezekiah’s Tunnel false turn, tb051803204
Hezekiah’s Tunnel high ceiling, tb012604168
Hezekiah’s Tunnel location of Siloam inscription, tb051905949
Hezekiah’s Tunnel place where the diggers met, tb031200203
Hezekiah’s Tunnel south end with high ceiling, tb012801210
Hezekiah’s Tunnel with students, tb090299201
Hezekiah’s Tunnel, tb051803206
Hezekiah’s Tunnel, tb051803207
Hezekiah’s Tunnel, tb110705527
Hezekiah’s Tunnel, tb110705559
Middle Bronze pool near Gihon Spring excavations, tb110705650
Middle Bronze pool near Gihon Spring from above, tb091102204
Pool of Siloam aqueduct, tb091306418
Pool of Siloam circular cuttings, tb091306423
Pool of Siloam concrete steps of earlier phase, tb110704701
Pool of Siloam excavations from northwest, tb082305600
Pool of Siloam excavations from northwest, tb082305602
Pool of Siloam excavations from northwest, tb110704008
Pool of Siloam excavations from south, tb082305574
Pool of Siloam excavations from south, tb110704988
Pool of Siloam excavations from south, tb123011019
Pool of Siloam excavations from southeast, tb070305456
Pool of Siloam excavations from southeast, tb110704996
Pool of Siloam excavations from west, tb070305501b
Pool of Siloam excavations of steps, tb062404739
Pool of Siloam excavations, tb031305009
Pool of Siloam excavations, tb062404742
Pool of Siloam excavations, tb062504759
Pool of Siloam excavations, tb070305450
Pool of Siloam from east, tb091306338
Pool of Siloam from east, tb091306339
Pool of Siloam from northwest, tb082305559
Pool of Siloam from south, tb042406080
Pool of Siloam from south, tb091306429
Pool of Siloam holes in rock, possibly for post, tb123011022
Pool of Siloam northern pavement, tb031305017
Pool of Siloam plaza paving stones, tb091306419
Pool of Siloam plaza, tb091306414
Pool of Siloam railing and column base, tb051905972
Pool of Siloam railing and column base, tb082305594
Pool of Siloam steps, tb110704003
Pool of Siloam steps, tb051905963
Pool of Siloam steps, tb051905969
Pool of Siloam steps, tb051905970
Pool of Siloam top steps, tb122604413
Pool Tower from east, tb110705606
Ronny Reich at City of David, tb031305979
Siloam Channel from southeast, tb110704981
Siloam Channel southern exit before excavation, tb091102206
Siloam Channel southern exit near Pool of Siloam, tb031305001
Siloam Channel, tb110705595
Siloam Channel, tb123011988
Siloam Inscription replica, tb123011999
Siloam street drainage channel, tb021907936
Siloam street with channel from south, tb021907925
Siloam street with steps from south, tb021907906
Siloam street with steps from south, tb021907909
Siloam street with steps from south, tb051508001
Spring Tower from north, tb022204468
Spring Tower north wall, tb022304573
Spring Tower south wall, tb031003209
Spring Tower south wall, tb123011984
Warren’s Shaft cave in tunnel to Pool Tower, tb110705608
Warren’s Shaft descent, tb012801219
Warren’s Shaft from top, tb031200205
Warren’s Shaft stepped tunnel, tb031200206
Warren’s Shaft top of shaft, tb091102208
Warren’s Shaft tunnel to Pool Tower, tb012801220
Warren’s Shaft tunnel to Pool Tower, tb012801221
Warren’s Shaft tunnel to pool, tb123199224
Warren’s Shaft tunnel, tb012801223
Warren’s Shaft tunnel, tb110705614
Warren’s Shaft view from bottom, tb100599202
Warren’s Shaft view from top, adr080720606
Warren’s Shaft view from top, tb051501207
Dome of the Rock (36)
Damascus Gate and Dome of the Rock from north, tp111105001
Dome of the Rock above Western Wall, tb010910243
Dome of the Rock aerial from east, bb00030005
Dome of the Rock aerial from northwest, bb00030011
Dome of the Rock and Dome of Chain from east, tb051707659
Dome of the Rock and Mount of Olives near sunset, tb123109442
Dome of the Rock and Triple Gate from south, tb091306321
Dome of the Rock at night from west, tb092802202
Dome of the Rock closeup, tb083104497
Dome of the Rock from east, tb091306221
Dome of the Rock from east, tb110906749
Dome of the Rock from Lutheran tower, tb011610689
Dome of the Rock from Mount of Olives at night, tb031505531
Dome of the Rock from Mount of Olives, tb010210542
Dome of the Rock from Mount of Olives, tb010210550
Dome of the Rock from northeast, tb091306253
Dome of the Rock from northwest, tb122006018
Dome of the Rock from south, tb083104488
Dome of the Rock from south, tb090705001
Dome of the Rock from south, tb091306191
Dome of the Rock from southeast, tb091306187
Dome of the Rock from southwest, tb010112117
Dome of the Rock from southwest, tb010312531
Dome of the Rock from southwest, tb102903593
Dome of the Rock from southwest, tb122006948
Dome of the Rock from southwest, tb122006949
Dome of the Rock from the Citadel, tbs55109012
Dome of the Rock from west at sunset, tb123109449
Dome of the Rock from west, tb010310755
Dome of the Rock from west, tb011610668
Dome of the Rock from west, tb011612771
Dome of the Rock mosaics, tb092103294
Dome of the Rock through olive trees, tb092103325
Dome of the Rock tiles, amd080911535
Dome of the Rock windows and tiles, tb083104496
Dome of the Rock with snow, tb022603219
Jewish Quarter (80)
Basketball court and Old City wall in Jewish Quarter, tb051908082
Beit El Kabbalist Yeshiva door, tb010312572
Boys playing soccer in Jewish Quarter, tb051908182
Broad Wall with houses, tb010910261
Broad Wall with houses, tb010910266
Broad Wall, tb010910259
Broad Wall, tb010910263
Burnt House ink well, tb051906399
Burnt House iron spear, tb051906392
Burnt House jugs and bowls, tb051906388
Burnt House oil lamps, tb051906391
Burnt House stone vessels, tb051906396
Burnt House, tb051906365
Burnt House, tb051906384
Burnt House, tb051906385
Byzantine street and 1st century ritual bath remains below Hurva Synagogue, tb010312400
Cardo Byzantine arch, tb010312397
Cardo looking southwest, tb010200204
Cardo shopping area from south, tb012801206
Cardo with columns, tb122006909
Cardo with reconstructed columns and roof, tb010312382
Cardo with reconstructed columns and roof, tb010312383
Cardo with reconstructed shops, tb051906306
Charity, mitzvah collection in Jewish Quarter, tb092603004
Eliyahu HaNavi Synagogue chairs with names, tb083104534
Eliyahu HaNavi Synagogue door, tb010312569
Eliyahu HaNavi Synagogue, tb083104538
Emtsai Synagogue, tb083104533
Free Kitchen for the Needy in Jewish Quarter, tb090705019
Golden menorah for third temple, tb010112122
Golden menorah for third temple, tb123199206
Hurva Synagogue arch, tb090405856
Hurva Synagogue interior, tb010312394
Hurva Synagogue interior, tb010312404
Hurva Synagogue interior, tb010312409
Hurva Synagogue under construction, tb011610661
Hurva Synagogue under construction, tb051508004
Hurva Synagogue under construction, tb051906299
Hurva Synagogue under construction, tb071207062
Hurva Synagogue with Transjordan mountains, tb123109420
Hurva Synagogue, tb010112159
Hurva Synagogue, tb010312573
Istanbuli Synagogue door, tb010312567
Istanbuli Synagogue, tb083104527
Istanbuli Synagogue, tb083104530
Jerusalem model in Old Testament times, Ben Zvi Institute, eh122911822
Jerusalem shop door with mosaics, tb092902206
Jewish Quarter and Temple Mount aerial from southwest, bb00030018
Jewish Quarter buildings, tb051906310
Jewish Quarter courtyard from Hurva Synagogue, tb010312412
Jewish Quarter Defenders Monument, tb010312577
Jewish Quarter from Hurva Synagogue, tb010312413
Jewish Quarter from northwest, tb011610680
Jewish Quarter from Western Wall area, tb031605605
Jewish Quarter homes, tb090405862
Jewish Quarter plaza from above, tb010200210
Jewish Quarter plaza, tb051906311
Jewish Quarter ruins with snow, tb022503201
Jewish Quarter scene, tb022705374
Jewish Quarter shop, tb051906322
Jewish Quarter street, tb083104502
Jewish Quarter with children, tb051906314
Mosque with minaret in Jewish quarter, tb051908081
Nea Church excavations, tb010312609
Nea Church northern apse, jj012311402
Paving stones reused in Jewish Quarter, tb091102203
Roman column in Ionic order, tb010312582
Rothschild House of Arches, Batey Mahase Square, tb010312585
Soldiers in Jewish Quarter plaza, tb022705387
Soldiers in Jewish Quarter plaza, tb022705408
St Mary’s of the Germans Crusader church, tb010312553
St Mary’s of the Germans hospital, tb010312546
Temple model overlooking Temple Mount, tb010312507
Temple model with altar, tb010312509
Tiferet Israel Synagogue ruins, tb010312427
Tiferet Israel Synagogue ruins, tb010312431
Tiferet Israel Synagogue, tb010312424
Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue door, tb083104520
Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue, tb083104519
Yochanan ben Zakai Synagogue, tb083104521
Model of Jerusalem (53)
Jerusalem model Antonia Fortress from east, tb091506480
Jerusalem model Antonia Fortress from west, tb051703202
Jerusalem model Central Valley from south, tb051703203
Jerusalem model City of David from south, tb091506446
Jerusalem model City of David from south, tb091506447
Jerusalem model City of David from southeast, tb012604178
Jerusalem model crucifixion area of Holy Sepulcher with Antonia Fortress, tb020101201
Jerusalem model David’s Tomb, tb020101204
Jerusalem model First and Second Walls from west, tb051601203
Jerusalem model from east panorama, amd040407101
Jerusalem model from east, tb091506431
Jerusalem model from east, tb091506437
Jerusalem model from north panorama, df091301202
Jerusalem model from northeast, tb091506476
Jerusalem model from northwest, tb091506469
Jerusalem model from south panorama, amd032909105
Jerusalem model from south, tb091506445
Jerusalem model from southeast panorama, amd032909108
Jerusalem model from southwest panorama, amd040407102
Jerusalem model from southwest, tb091506452
Jerusalem model Garden Tomb area, tb051703204
Jerusalem model Hasmonean palace and First Wall from south, tb123011061
Jerusalem model Hasmonean Palace from west with Western Wall, tb051703207
Jerusalem model Herod’s Palace and agora, tb020101207
Jerusalem model Herod’s Palace from above, tb051601206
Jerusalem model Herod’s Palace from southwest, tb020101208
Jerusalem model Herod’s Temple from east, tb091506434
Jerusalem model Herod’s Temple from northeast, tb020101209
Jerusalem model Herod’s Temple with eastern gates, tb051703215
Jerusalem model Herod’s towers from above, tb051601207
Jerusalem model hippodrome from south, tb051703208
Jerusalem model hippodrome location, tb123011067
Jerusalem model mosaic map, tbs41259009
Jerusalem model Pool of Siloam area from southeast, tb012604179
Jerusalem model Pools of Bethesda, tb010200217
Jerusalem model Psephinus tower and city from northwest, tb061900202
Jerusalem model Second Wall, tb010200219
Jerusalem model Temple Court of Women from east, tb051703214
Jerusalem model Temple Mount from south, tb091506448
Jerusalem model Temple Mount from southwest, tb091506455
Jerusalem model Temple Mount from west, tb051601210
Jerusalem model Temple Mount Royal Stoa from ne, tb051703211
Jerusalem model Temple Mount Royal Stoa, tb010200218
Jerusalem model Temple Mount southern wall, tb012604180
Jerusalem model Temple Mount southern wall, tb051703212
Jerusalem model Temple Mount western wall from south, tb051703213
Jerusalem model Temple Nicanor’s Gate, tb051703210
Jerusalem model theater, tb051703216
Jerusalem model tomb of John Hyrcanus from west, tb091506463
Jerusalem model typical house in Upper City, tbs41289009
Jerusalem model Upper City and theater from southeast, tb123011060
Jerusalem model Upper City from west, tb051601211
Jerusalem model Wilson’s and Robinson’s Arches from south, tb123011064
Mount of Olives (92)
Anathoth from north, tb092706214
Anathoth from west, tb092706219
Augusta Victoria Hospital from west, tb011612790
Augusta Victoria Hospital, tb122201201
Bethany and Security Wall, tb051106177
Bethany churches and Lazarus tomb, tb051906401
Bethany excavations, tb051106166
Bethany from above, tb010200203
Bethany from above, tb051106172
Bethany Lazarus tomb, tb051106147
Bethany mikveh, tb051106168
Dome of Ascension footprint, tb012603204
Dome of Ascension from southwest, tb012603205
Dominus Flevit Byzantine altar, tb012603208
Dominus Flevit garden with snow, tb022603203
Dominus Flevit mosaic floor, tb100202202
Dominus Flevit ossuaries, df091301201
Dominus Flevit view of Jerusalem, tb060200203
Dominus Flevit view of Jerusalem, tbs43029009
Dominus Flevit with snow, tb022603204
Donkey at Bethphage, tb123105433
East Jerusalem and Mount of Olives aerial from south, tb010703203
Garden of Gethsemane cave, tb012603209
Garden of Gethsemane cave, tb012603210
Garden of Gethsemane cemetery, tb100202205
Garden of Gethsemane from west, tb091306244
Garden of Gethsemane olive tree, tbs52019011
Garden of Gethsemane olive trees, tb051906418
Garden of Gethsemane olive trees, tb051906422
Garden of Gethsemane olive trees, tb051906423
Garden of Gethsemane stone of agony, tb051906419
Gethsemane aerial from west, bb00030079
Gethsemane Church of All Nations at night, tb092802201
Gethsemane Church of All Nations dome with US seal, tb033100201
Gethsemane Church of All Nations from west, tb091306245
Gethsemane Church of All Nations sacred stone, eh123111948
Gethsemane Church of All Nations with snow, tb022603201
Gethsemane Crusader church foundation, tb100202206
Givat Shapira Iron Age fortress, possible Nob, tb042707002
Givat Shapira, possible Nob, Iron Age fortress, tb042707995
Hebrew University Mount Scopus aerial from east, tb010703204
Hebrew University Mount Scopus from north, df011604462
Hebrew University Mount Scopus from southwest, tb011612775
Hebrew University Mount Scopus Hecht Synagogue, tb010200206
Hebrew University Mount Scopus with snow, tb022603205
Hill of Offense, Silwan, from north, tb012603215
Hill of Offense, Silwan, from northwest, tb042306049
Hill of Offense, Silwan, from west, tb102306089
Jerusalem area aerial from southeast, tb010703214
Kidron Valley and Mount of Olives from south, tb051907723
Mount of Olives aerial from southeast, bb00030046
Mount of Olives and Garden of Gethsemane, tb051706549
Mount of Olives and Pillar of Absalom with snow, tb022603209
Mount of Olives and wilderness with snow panorama, df022703201
Mount of Olives at dusk from south, tb070707954
Mount of Olives cemetery from west, tb011610684
Mount of Olives from Golden Gate, tb091306239
Mount of Olives from northwest, tb122006043
Mount of Olives from south, tb051907755
Mount of Olives from south, tb091306298
Mount of Olives from west, tb042306044
Mount of Olives funeral, tb021004395
Mount of Olives graves from above, tb010200216
Mount of Olives graves with snow, at021504005
Mount of Olives graves with snow, tb022603210
Mount of Olives graves with snow, tb022603211
Mount of Olives Hasidic Jews at grave, tb012603214
Mount of Olives panorama, tb051706003
Mount of Olives panorama, tb122006039
Mount of Olives tombs with snow, tb021504763
Mount of Olives with snow, tb021504761
Mount of Olives with snow, tb022503202
Mount of Olives, wilderness and Rift aerial from northwest, tb010703219
Mount Scopus British War Cemetery entrance, tb082406377
Mount Scopus British War Cemetery tombstone of Turkish soldier, tb082406441
Mount Scopus British War Cemetery tombstone, tb082406383
Mount Scopus British War Cemetery tombstones, tb082406395
Mount Scopus British War Cemetery tombstones, tb082406415
Palm Sunday procession, tb041303726
Pater Noster Church ancient cave of Eleona, tb100202207
Pater Noster Church courtyard, tb100202208
Pater Noster Church, Lord’s Prayer in Hebrew, tb100202209
Pater Noster Church, Lord’s prayer in many languages, tb092105248
Pater Noster Church, Lord’s Prayer in Samaritan, tb021501202
Pater Noster Church, tb041303803
Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene from southeast, tb110906755
Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene, tb012603226
Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene, tb021501204
Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene, tb051908147
Russian Orthodox Church of the Ascension from west, tb011612783
Security Wall near Bethany, tb051504575
Security Wall near Bethany, tb051504579
Mount Zion (60)
Ancient street near St Peter in Gallicantu Church, tb012804648
Ancient street near St Peter in Gallicantu Church, tb082305492
Ancient street near St Peter in Gallicantu Church, tb082305518
Arch near entrance to Upper Room, tb070807996
Catholic Cemetery on Mount Zion, Oskar Schindler’s tomb, tb123199218
Catholic Cemetery on Mount Zion, Oskar Schindler’s tomb, tb123199219
David’s Tomb and Upper Room building Roman wall, tb051404570
David’s Tomb building from north, tb082305461
David’s Tomb cenotaph, tb070807983
David’s Tomb cenotaph, tbs42099009
David’s Tomb interior with prayer books, tb070807985
Dormition Abbey from north, tb102903678
Dormition Abbey from northwest with snow, tb012800202
Dormition Abbey from southeast, tb010312637
Dormition Abbey from southeast, tb010312640
Dormition Abbey tower bells, tbs80289402
Dormition Abbey tower view of Mount Zion cemetery, tbs80279402
Dormition Abbey tower view to north, tbs80269402
Dormition Abbey, Mary sleeping statue, tb051501201
Essene Gate from above, tb033100202203
Jerusalem southern end from Mount of Olives, tb092405404
King David statue on Mount Zion, tb010312629
Minaret atop David’s tomb, tb070807993
Mount Zion aerial from south, tb010703220
Mount Zion aerial from south, tb031900201
Mount Zion aerial from west, tb010703221
Mount Zion and Hinnom Valley from east with snow, tb021504806
Mount Zion and Mount of Olives from west, df012302205
Mount Zion at night from east, tb092802204
Mount Zion from east with snow, tb021504808
Mount Zion from east, tb012603221
Mount Zion from east, tb091306330
Mount Zion from south panorama, df062907013
Mount Zion from southwest, tb092403342
Mount Zion road with snow, tb022503203
Old City wall and Dormition Abbey from northwest at night, tb091103059
Old City wall and Dormition Abbey from northwest, tb010312733
Protestant Cemetery on Mount Zion mikveh, tb033100211
Protestant Cemetery on Mount Zion, tb010312651
Protestant Cemetery on Mount Zion, tb010312654
Protestant Cemetery on Mount Zion, tb033100214
Roman game etched in stone on Mount Zion, tb010312646
Seat of Elijah in David’s Tomb, tb082305446
St Peter in Gallicantu Church above excavations, tb082305516
St Peter in Gallicantu Church doors, Judas betraying Jesus, tb082305538
St Peter in Gallicantu Church excavations, tb082305520
St Peter in Gallicantu Church excavations, tb082305521
St Peter in Gallicantu Church mosaic walls, tbs42129009
St Peter in Gallicantu Church rooster weathervane, tb051701206
St Peter in Gallicantu Church, alleged prison, tb020101221
St Peter in Gallicantu Church, Byzantine crosses in shaft, tb041603201
St Peter in Gallicantu Church, mikveh, tb041603202
St Peter in Gallicantu Church, Peter denying Christ statue, tb082305533
St Peter in Gallicantu Church, tb051908092
St Peter in Gallicantu, tb051701205
St. Savior Armenian Convent, house of Caiaphas, tb042403201. Savior, house of Caiaphas, tb042403201
Upper Room above David’s Tomb, tb051404571
Upper Room capital with pelicans, tb010312631
Upper Room interior, tb070807004
Upper Room interior, tb070807015
Museums of Jerusalem (25)
Bible Lands Museum, tb040605644
Golda Meir’s tomb, kg031501201
Herzl Museum at Mount Herzl, tb082406469
Israel Museum from east, tb122604403
Rockefeller Museum courtyard, tb042403208
Rockefeller Museum entrance, tb042403209
Rockefeller Museum from southwest, tb122006025
Shrine of the Book entrance, tb091506511
Shrine of the Book exterior, tb091506513
Shrine of the Book, adr080726040
Shrine of the Book, black wall, tb060101202
Tomb of Theodor Herzl on Mount Herzl, tb082406463
Yad VaShem Children’s Memorial, tb061900210
Yad VaShem Danish rescue boat, tb061800203
Yad VaShem from south, tb082406475
Yad VaShem Hall of Names, kg030801206
Yad VaShem Hall of Remembrance, kg030801207
Yad VaShem Memorial to Jewish Fighters, tb061900211
Yad VaShem Pillar of Heroism, tb061900212
Yad VaShem railcar memorial, tb051601214
Yad VaShem Swedish Red Cross bus, tb061900213
Yad VaShem tree for Corrie ten Boom, tb010310773
Yad VaShem tree for Oskar Schindler, tb061900215
Yad VaShem Warsaw Ghetto Memorial, kg030801208
Yitzhak Rabin’s tomb, kg031501203
Old City (92)
Armenian Quarter building over road, tb091306292
Armenian Quarter Church of St James from south, tb030706621
Armenian Quarter Church of St James service, tb022705695
Armenian Quarter courtyard, tb030706620
Armenian Quarter from south, tb042403202
Armenian Quarter Holy Archangels Convent, tb030706636
Armenian Quarter museum courtyard, tb030706625
Armenian Quarter museum courtyard, tb030706630
Armenian Quarter museum entrance, tb030706623
Armenian Quarter St James Monastery, tb030706641
Ayyubid wall below Old City western wall from south, tb011612040
Chapel of St James, painting of head of James the Great, tb030706616
Cotton Market from east, tb090705011
Goliath’s Castle and moat at northwest corner of Old City, tb010312744
Hasmonean First Wall with mason’s mark, delta, tb041806487
Hasmonean First Wall with mason’s mark, delta, tb041806489
Jerusalem Old City aerial from north, tb010703223
Jerusalem Old City aerial from south, tb010703225
Jerusalem Old City aerial from southwest, tb010703216
Jerusalem Old City aerial from west, tb010703226
Jerusalem Old City from north, tb031900206
Jerusalem Old City from west, tb031900207
Jerusalem Old City northern wall with bedrock moat, tb042403207
Jerusalem Old City rooftops with Hurva synagogue, tb011610660
Jerusalem Old City spice mountain in spice shop, tb010910272
Jerusalem Old City tea man, tb091705230
Jerusalem Old City tractor in alley, tbs56339012
Jerusalem Old City west wall and clouds, df090101203
Jerusalem Old City western wall at night, tb041903204
Jerusalem Old City western wall from south, tb102903674
Jerusalem Old City western wall from south, tb102903681
Jerusalem Old City western wall with forewall below, tb041806486
Jerusalem Old City western wall with snow panorama, df022703202
Jerusalem Old City western wall with snow, tb022603214
Jerusalem Old City western wall, tb051908285
Jerusalem Old City western wall, tbs55169012
Keffiyeh for sale in Old City, cd091008201
Latin inscription in Armenian Quarter museum, tb030706628
Mikveh south of Old City, tb010910204
Minaret in Muslim Quarter, tb011612911
Muslim Quarter excavations, tb122006029
Muslim Quarter men playing backgammon, tb031605635
Muslim Quarter shopkeeper with candy, tb031605685
Muslim Quarter street scene, tb031605632
Nuns Ascent in Muslim Quarter, tb011612822
Old City buildings from south, tb091306340
Old City from northwestern corner, tb010310731
Old City from west panorama, eh12281120p
Old City from west panorama, tb01031269p
Old City from west panorama, tb011612768
Old City from west panorama, tb123109448
Old City police station Kishleh, location of Herod’s palace, tb042403890
Old City rooftops and Mount of Olives from west, tb011610647
Old City rooftops from northwest, tb122006020
Old City rooftops view southeast from Lutheran tower, tb011610659
Old City rooftops with satellite dishes, tb011610639
Old City shop and shopkeeper, tb031505505
Old City south wall and excavations, tb091306063
Old City southern wall view west from Zion Gate, tb010312622
Old City southern wall with arrowslits, tb010312603
Old City wall with houses above, tb010907369
Old City wall with moat quarried in bedrock west of Herod’s Gate, tb010310668
Old City wall, stone with mason’s mark, tb041806484
Old City walls with snow, tb021504886
Old City western wall with Citadel of David, tb010910166
Old City western wall with earlier foundations, tb102903684
Old City western wall with earlier remains, tb010910164
Old City western wall with tombs, tb010910159
Old City western wall with unexcavated section, tb010910163
Old City western wall, tb010910168
Old City western wall, tb051908284
Old City western wall, tb122006000
Old City western wall, tb122006005
Old City, Dome of the Rock, Mount of Olives from west, tb010310754
Old City, Dome of the Rock, Mount of Olives from west, tb011610666
Solomon’s Quarries entrance, tb010310671
Solomon’s Quarries, tb051706274
Solomon’s Quarries, tb051706275
Solomon’s Quarries, tb051706280
Solomon’s Quarries, tb051706293
Solomon’s Quarries, tb051706542
Solomon’s Quarries, tb051706544
Solomon’s Quarries, tb051706547
Spices for sale in market, cd091227401
Spices for sale in Old City, cd091203171
Street in Armenian Quarter, tb010312365
Sunrise over Old City, tb090405817
Syrian Orthodox Church, St Mark’s Convent, chapel with painting of foot washing, tb010312378
Syrian Orthodox Church, St Mark’s Convent, traditional house of Mark and Upper Room courtyard, tb010312376
Syrian Orthodox Church, St Mark’s Convent, traditional house of Mark and Upper Room, tb010312374
Syrian Orthodox Church, St Mark’s Convent, traditional house of Mark and Upper Room, tb010312377
Zaatar, hyssop, for sale in Old City, cd091203002
Old City Gates (30)
Crusader city gate remains, tb010910321
Damascus Gate and Jerusalem Old City from northeast, df031103201
Damascus Gate, tb010310673
Damascus Gate, tb010310692
Damascus Gate, tb010907368
Dung Gate and Tanner’s Gate from west, tb051501202
Dung Gate from north, tb010312485
Dung Gate, tb051908102
Hadrian’s Gate below Damascus Gate, tb010910305
Hadrian’s Gate below Damascus Gate, tb010910306
Herod’s Gate, tb010310660
Herod’s Gate, tb010310664
Jaffa Gate and opening in wall, tb060601204
Jaffa Gate at night on Jerusalem’s 40th birthday, tb051507629
Jaffa Gate from west, tb010312682
Jaffa Gate from west, tb061800202
Jaffa Gate plaza, tb011612758
Jaffa Gate plaza, tb032301202
Jaffa Gate with snow, tb021504730
Jaffa Gate, tb011612044
New Gate, tb010310715
New Gate, tb010310718
St Stephen’s Gate, lion decoration, tb010310643
St Stephen’s Gate, tb010310638
Tanner’s Gate and Valley Cardo at night, tb092902208
Tanner’s Gate, tb010910218
Tanner’s Gate, tb010910234
Western Wall bus station, Dung Gate, Silwan, tb010312484
Zion Gate from east, tb010312619
Zion Gate from south, tb010910185
Pools of Bethesda (25)
Muslim Quarter aerial from east, bb00040002
Pools of Bethesda ancient cistern, tb011612884
Pools of Bethesda and Asclepium area from east, tb011612836
Pools of Bethesda and Asclepium area from east, tb011612839
Pools of Bethesda and Crusader chapel, tb011612845
Pools of Bethesda Asclepium area, tb011612841
Pools of Bethesda Byzantine wall reused by Crusaders, tb011612882
Pools of Bethesda Crusader chapel and St Anne’s Church, tb011612856
Pools of Bethesda Crusader chapel interior, tb011612892
Pools of Bethesda Crusader chapel, tb011612847
Pools of Bethesda game carved in rock, tb011612867
Pools of Bethesda northern pool, Byzantine wall, Crusader chapel, tb011612883
Pools of Bethesda northern pool, tb011612866
Pools of Bethesda Roman cistern, tb011612901
Pools of Bethesda southern pool and fifth porch from south, tb011612871
Pools of Bethesda southern pool from east, tb083005734
Pools of Bethesda southern pool from north, tb011612863
Pools of Bethesda southern pool from west, tb011612879
Pools of Bethesda southern pool steps and fill from north, tb011612870
Pools of Bethesda, tb090402205
St Anne’s Church doorway, tb083005728
St Anne’s Church from north, tb011612846
St Anne’s Church interior, tb102903601
St Anne’s Church tombstone of deacon of Probatic, tb051603202
St Anne’s Church, tb083005723
Southern Temple Mount Excavations (100)
Al Aqsa Mosque and southern Temple Mount Excavations from east, tb092405402
Al Aqsa Mosque and southern Temple Mount steps from south, tb091306320
Arch supporting staircase of Robinson’s Arch, tb091702201
Burnt shops on Temple Mount southern wall, tb052005985
Burnt shops on Temple Mount southern wall, tb052005987
Burnt shops on Temple Mount southern wall, tb052005990
Byzantine house from above, tb091702202
Byzantine house herringbone decoration, tb091702203
Byzantine reservoir south of Temple Mount, tb102903657
Decorated stone from southern Temple Mount excavations, tb123109359
Double Gate and southern Temple Mount steps, tb091702205
Double Gate lintel and relieving arch, tb102300201
Eastern Temple Mount wall bulge with scaffolding, tb070305512
Excavations below Robinson’s Arch from north, tb083104478
Excavations below Robinson’s Arch from north, tb122006922
Excavations west of Robinson’s Arch, tb122006920
Fallen stones from Temple Mount destruction, tb090705034
Fallen stones from Temple Mount destruction, tb090705037
First century street with fallen stones, tb090705042
First-century street below Robinson’s Arch, tb020101206
First-century street below Robinson’s Arch, tb051805944
First-century street below Robinson’s Arch, tb091702207
First-century street crushed by stones from Temple Mount, tb090705029
Hadrian’s Inscription near Double Gate, tb091702208
Hebrew Inscription on Western Wall, tb091702209
Herodian stones with protrusion, tb102903630
Ionic capitals from southern Temple Mount excavations, tb123109398
Large stones at southwest corner of Temple Mount, tb091702210
Late Roman period bakery near Robinson’s Arch, tb090705050
Lintel fragment of s entrance to Temple Mount, tb091702211
Mechanical devices for moving stones reconstruction, tb091702218
Mikveh near Temple Mount, tb090705051
Mikveh south of Temple Mount, tb010112147
Mikveh south of Temple Mount, tb020101212
Mikveh south of Temple Mount, tb052005979
Mikveh south of Temple Mount, tb062504749
Mikveh south of Temple Mount, tb062504751
Mikveh south of Temple Mount, tb062504753
Mikveh south of Temple Mount, tb102903648
Mikveh west of Robinson’s arch, df091901201
Mikveh west of Robinson’s arch, tb123109371
Mikveh west of Robinson’s arch, tb123109378
Milestone of Vespasian from southern Temple Mount excavations, tb123109361
Mixed prayer service at Temple Mount southwest corner, tb123109412
Ophel Iron Age royal building, tb102903655
Ophel Walls Iron Age tower, tb010112136
Ophel Walls proposed Iron Age gatehouse exterior wall, tb010112148
Ophel Walls proposed Iron Age gatehouse, tb010112146
Ophel Walls proposed Iron Age gatehouse, tb010112152
Ophel Walls proposed Iron Age gatehouse, tb010112157
Ophel Walls proposed Iron Age gatehouse, tb102903653
Ophel Walls royal structure, tb010112125
Ophel Walls royal structure, tb010112156
Ophel Walls storejar replicas, tb010112143
Ophel Walls Straight Wall, tb010112126
Possible theater seat in southern Temple Mount excavations, tb090705053
Robinson’s Arch area from west, tb020101215
Robinson’s Arch from below, tb091802203
Robinson’s Arch with shops below from west, tb091702213
Second Temple period rooms south of Temple Mount, tb010112154
Shops alongside western wall of Temple Mount, tb123109386
Shops underneath staircase of Robinson’s Arch, tb020101216
Single Gate on southern Temple Mount wall, tb070305509
Southern Temple Mount bulge repaired from southwest, tb082305483
Southern Temple Mount excavations aerial from south, bb00040078
Southern Temple Mount Excavations aerial from southwest, tb010703227
Southern Temple Mount excavations from east, cd091203001
Southern Temple Mount excavations from south, tb102903635
Southern Temple Mount excavations with snow, tb022603217
Southern Temple Mount excavations, tb020101218
Southern Temple Mount Master Course by Triple Gate, tb051608019
Southern Temple Mount Master Course eroded stone, tb051608020
Southern Temple Mount Master Course eroded stone, tb051608021
Southern Temple Mount steps with psalms of ascent, tb090705062
Southern Temple Mount steps, tb051608022
Southern Temple Mount steps, tb091702214
Southern Temple Mount wall with Master Course, tb091702216
Southern Temple Mount wall with Master Course, tb102903640
Staircase over shops at Temple Mount southwest corner, tb091702217
Stone carved with decoration from first century, tb110906707
Temple Mount aerial from south, tb010703231
Temple Mount southeastern corner from below, tb052005991
Temple Mount southeastern corner, tb070305514
Temple Mount southern wall from southeast, tb010112124
Temple Mount southwestern corner at night, tb031505523
Temple Mount southwestern corner excavations from southwest, tb091306069
Temple Mount southwestern corner, tb123109367
Temple Mount southwestern corner, tb123109397
Temple Mount southwestern corner, tb123109403
Triple Gate arch, tb051608013
Triple Gate from southwest, tb091702221
Triple Gate original doorjamb stone, tb091702222
Triple Gate, tb051908127
Trumpeting stone, tb091702223
Trumpeting stone, tb091702224
Umayyad palace excavations from northeast, tb090705025
Umayyad palace south of Temple Mount from west, tb010312489
Umayyad palaces south of Temple Mount, tbs40339008
Valley Cardo near Dung Gate, tb091306066
Wheel for moving stones reconstruction, tb091702219
Temple Mount (96)
Al Aqsa mosque aerial, bb00030058
Al Aqsa Mosque and medieval building from southwest, tb051908095
Al Aqsa Mosque and Temple Mount from west, tb010312487
Al Aqsa Mosque dome from west, tb092603014
Al Aqsa Mosque from Lutheran Church tower, tb123199201
Al Aqsa Mosque from Mount of Olives, tb010200201
Al Aqsa Mosque from north, tb010112107
Al Aqsa Mosque from north, tbs42219009
Al Aqsa Mosque from northeast, tb091306185
Antonia Fortress area from south, tb091306260
Antonia Fortress area with bedrock, tb092103205
Antonia Fortress area with bedrock, tb092103206
Antonia Fortress area with bedrock, tb092103207
Arches near Dome of Tablets, tb092103233
Colonnade on western side of Temple Mount, tb012804623
Corinthian capital on Temple Mount, tb091306173
Dome of Chain from north, tb092103249
Dome of Chain from south, tb083104486
Dome of Chain from southwest, tb083104498
Dome of Tablets from northeast, tb092103231
Dome of Tablets from west, tb010112101
Dome of Tablets, tb060200201
Double Gate passageway from Temple Mount plaza, tb091306179
Eastern Temple Mount wall bulge with scaffolding, tb070305522
Faucets on Temple Mount, tb012804622
Forbidden to enter Temple Mount sign, tb090705950
Gabriel Barkay and Zachi Zweig at sifting operation, tb110906736
Gabriel Barkay explaining Temple Mount discoveries, tb110906712
Golden Gate and Dome of Tablets from Mount of Olives, tb012603213
Golden Gate architectural decoration, tb091306228
Golden Gate from east, tb012603211
Golden Gate from southeast, tb010210543
Golden Gate from southwest, tb091306227
Golden Gate from west, tb091306226
Golden Gate with olive trees and snow, tb021504776
Golden Gate, tb010310633
Golden Gate, tb102903625
Islamic Museum on Temple Mount, tb091306177
Jews touring Temple Mount, tb092103330
Man washing on Temple Mount, tb092103338
Minaret near Al Aqsa Mosque, tb090602202
Muslims praying by Al Aqsa Mosque, tb052005994
Old City aerial from east, tb010703222
Ritmeyer’s step on northeast of Temple Mount, tb092103215
Ritmeyer’s step on northeast of Temple Mount, tb092103217
Ritmeyer’s step on northeast of Temple Mount, tb092103222
Rubbish on Temple Mount, tb083104489
Rubbish on Temple Mount, tb083104490
Rubbish on Temple Mount, tb083104492
Sifting Temple Mount debris, tb110906717
Sifting Temple Mount debris, tb110906721
Solomon’s Stables entrance staircase, tb090705005
Solomon’s Stables new entrance, tb092103164
Solomon’s Stables, tb040800201
Solomon’s Stables, tb040800202
Sundial on Temple Mount south of Dome of the Rock, tb092103299
Temple Mount aerial from north, bb00040095
Temple Mount aerial from north, tb010703228
Temple Mount aerial from northeast, bb00030073
Temple Mount aerial from se, tb010703229
Temple Mount aerial from se, tb010703230
Temple Mount aerial from southeast, bb00030088
Temple Mount aerial from west, bb00030096
Temple Mount aerial, tb031900211
Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock from Golden Gate, tb091306237
Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock from north, tb012301203
Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock from north, tb012301204
Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock from northwest, tb012301205
Temple Mount and Western Wall plaza aerial from northeast, cd050095126
Temple Mount arch and gate on southeastern side, tb010310620
Temple Mount bulge on eastern wall, tb062404730
Temple Mount eastern wall from south, tb091306325
Temple Mount from Golden Gate panorama, tb091306251
Temple Mount from north panorama, tb090402206
Temple Mount from south, tb051907722
Temple Mount from south, tb091306319
Temple Mount from southeast, tbs97209802
Temple Mount from southwest, tb051908097
Temple Mount new paving on southeast corner, tb092103160
Temple Mount northeastern corner, tb102903621
Temple Mount northeastern tower, tb010310607
Temple Mount on Ramadan Friday, tbs75219303
Temple Mount on Ramadan Friday, tbs75209303
Temple Mount pre-Herodian stones, tb051908155
Temple Mount seam, tb010310614
Temple Mount seam, tb092902210
Temple Mount southeast corner from south, tb091306324
Temple Mount southeastern corner, pinnacle, tb051908162
Temple Mount southeastern corner, tb010310617
Temple Mount southeastern corner, tb051908129
Temple Mount walkway with trees, tb091306224
Temple Mount, tb031900213
Tractor plowing on Temple Mount, tb052106466
Washing installation and Al Aqsa Mosque, tb092103309
Washing installation west of Dome of the Rock, tb092103286
Woman begging on Temple Mount, tb010112108
Tombs of Jerusalem (153)
Cave of Umm el-Amed Herodian masonry imitation, tb062907576
Cave of Umm el-Amed, tb062907574
Dominus Flevit cave with missing ceiling, tb100202201
Garden Tomb at night, tb123005430
Garden Tomb channel, tb010910338
Garden Tomb interior, tb010910342
Garden Tomb interior, tb010910347
Garden Tomb interior, tb010910350
Garden Tomb interior, tb010910352
Garden Tomb rolling stone, tb051703205
Garden Tomb winepress, tb010910358
Garden Tomb, tb010910356
Garden Tomb, tb042200204
Garden Tomb, tb050507244
Garden Tomb, tb123005429
Gordon’s Calvary from south, tb122006023
Gordon’s Calvary near Garden Tomb, tb051608025
Gordon’s Calvary near Garden Tomb, tb051608027
Herod’s Family Tomb pyramid foundation, kg120800202
Herod’s Family Tomb rolling stone, kg120800203
Herod’s Family Tomb, dg051001201
Herod’s Family Tomb, tb061800201
Hinnom Valley Second Temple period tomb arcosolium and loculi, tb110804043
Hinnom Valley Second Temple period tomb carved ceiling, tb110804030
Hinnom Valley Second Temple period tomb facade, tb110804026
Hinnom Valley Second Temple period tomb facade, tb110804038
Hinnom Valley Second Temple period tomb facade, tb110804047
Hinnom Valley Second Temple period tomb interior with carved ceiling, tb110804033
Hinnom Valley Second Temple period tombs from east, tb091306364
Hinnom Valley Second Temple period tombs, adr080718344
Hinnom Valley Second Temple period tombs, adr080718351
Hinnom Valley Second Temple period tombs, tb091306365
Iron Age tombs in Silwan from west, tb042306041
Jason’s Tomb from south, tb100102201
Jason’s Tomb from south, tb100102202
Jason’s Tomb golel blocking stone, tb100102203
Jason’s Tomb loculi, tb100102204
Jason’s Tomb ship drawing, tb100102205
Ketef Hinnom cave 24 with students, tb042705897
Ketef Hinnom chamber 13 with students, tb042705903
Ketef Hinnom chamber 25 with students, tb042705896
Ketef Hinnom chamber 25 with students, tb042705899
Ketef Hinnom excavations before Begin Center with Scottish Church, tb090299202
Ketef Hinnom repository, tbs42089009
Ketef Hinnom tomb, tb051703209
Ketef Hinnom tombs from above, df103101202
Ketef Hinnom with Gabriel Barkay, tb042705895
Middle Bronze cemetery near Holyland Hotel, tb091506533
Middle Bronze cemetery near Holyland Hotel, tb091506538
Middle Bronze shaft grave interior near Holyland Hotel, tb091506595
Middle Bronze shaft grave near Holyland Hotel, tb091506557
Middle Bronze shaft grave near Holyland Hotel, tb091506602
Middle Bronze shaft grave with blocking stone, tb091506553
Middle Bronze shaft graves near Holyland Hotel, tb091506555
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Aceldama courtyard with tombs, tp091306470
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema courtyard, tp091306466
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema entrance, tb091306430
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema from east, tb091306366
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema tomb, tp091306462
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema tomb, tp091306463
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema tombs, tp091306456
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema tombs, tp091306465
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema tombs, tp091306467
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema tombs, tp091306468
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema, tb012804647
Monastery of St Onuphrius, traditional Akeldema, tb082305476
Mount Herzl first century tomb, tb082406460
Mount Scopus Tomb of Nicanor loculi with blocking stone, tb042707019
Mount Scopus Tomb of Nicanor, tb042707009
Mount Scopus Tomb of Nicanor, tb042707012
Mount Scopus Tomb of Nicanor, tb042707016
Pillar of Absalom and Tomb of Jehoshaphat from west, tb021504884
Pillar of Absalom and Tomb of Jehoshaphat, tb051906433
Pillar of Absalom and Tomb of Jehoshaphat, tb100202210
Pillar of Absalom and Tomb of Zechariah in Kidron Valley, tb051908152
Pillar of Absalom interior cornice, tb012603223
Pillar of Absalom interior, tb012603224
Pillar of Absalom with snow, tb022603216
Proposed tomb of House of David interior, tb012603230
Proposed tomb of House of David, tb012603231
Proposed tomb of House of David, tb123011011
Proposed tomb of House of David, tb123011012
Proposed tomb of House of David, tb123011013
Proposed tombs of House of David, tb012603233
Quarry near Sanhedrin tombs, tb062907607
Sanhedrin tomb facade, tb062907609
Sanhedrin tomb facade, tb062907610
Sanhedrin tombs, df062907024
Sanhedrin Two-Columned Tomb, tb062907605
Silwan Iron Age tombs, tb051907774
Silwan Tomb of Pharaoh’s Daughter from side, tb021504438
Silwan Tomb of Pharaoh’s Daughter from west, tb042306052
Silwan Tomb of Pharaoh’s Daughter with snow, tb022603220
Silwan, Hill of Offense summit tomb courtyard, tb091306355
Silwan, Hill of Offense summit tomb with loculi, tb091306351
St Etienne’s Byzantine tomb with door, tb042200212
St Etienne’s Cave 1 burial chamber with headrest, tb062907547
St Etienne’s Cave 1 burial chamber with repository, tb062907541
St Etienne’s Cave 1 burial chamber, tb062907525
St Etienne’s Cave 1 burial chamber, tb062907543
St Etienne’s Cave 1 burial chamber, tb062907546
St Etienne’s Cave 1 burial chamber, tb062907570
St Etienne’s Cave 1 door sockets, tb062907515
St Etienne’s Cave 1 doorframes and cornice, tb062907513
St Etienne’s Cave 1 double cornice, tb062907507
St Etienne’s Cave 1 double cornice, tb062907510
St Etienne’s Cave 1 entrance chamber, tb062907487
St Etienne’s Cave 1 entrance chamber, tb062907489
St Etienne’s Cave 1 headrest, tb062907554
St Etienne’s Cave 1 sunken panels, tb062907496
St Etienne’s Cave 1 view to sarcophagus chamber, tb062907563
St Etienne’s Cave 2 burial bench, tb042200214
St Etienne’s Cave 2 Hathor headrest, tb042200216
St Etienne’s Cave 2, adr080726969
St Etienne’s Church, tb100202211
St Etienne’s tombs of Ecole Biblique scholars, tb042200217
Tomb of Benei Hezir facade, tb051906438
Tomb of Benei Hezir inscription, tb012603229
Tomb of Benei Hezir, dg051101215
Tomb of Grapes engaged pilaster, tb062907597
Tomb of Grapes facade, tb062907588
Tomb of Grapes interior, tb062907598
Tomb of Grapes, tb062907586
Tomb of Isaiah from City of David, tb030103202
Tomb of Jehoshaphat pediment, tb012603234
Tomb of Kings antechamber, tb100803365
Tomb of Kings arcosolium, tb042200202
Tomb of Kings arcosolium, tb100202212
Tomb of Kings arcosolium, tb100803385
Tomb of Kings courtyard and arch, tb100202213
Tomb of Kings doorways, tb100803380
Tomb of Kings entrance to lower chamber, tb100202216
Tomb of Kings entrance with rolling stone, tb100803392
Tomb of Kings entrance, tb100202217
Tomb of Kings facade, tb100803397
Tomb of Kings loculi, tb100803369
Tomb of Kings loculus, tb042200207
Tomb of Kings mikveh, tb100803399
Tomb of Kings mikveh, tb100803400
Tomb of Kings monumental staircase, tb042200220
Tomb of Kings rolling stone, tb042200210
Tomb of Kings staircase with masonry, tb100803403
Tomb of Kings staircase, tb100803395
Tomb of Royal Steward, tb021504410
Tomb of the Kings entrance staircase from above, tb100202215
Tomb of Zechariah from above, tb021504883
Tomb of Zechariah, tb051906437
Tombs of Benei Hezir and Zechariah with snow, tb022603208
Tombs of Benei Hezir and Zechariah, tb051906435
Tombs of Benei Hezir and Zechariah, tb051908134
Tombs of the Prophets loculi, tb100202218
Unfinished tomb south of Tomb of Zechariah, tb012603240
View south from proposed tombs of House of David, tb012603232
Valleys of Jerusalem (32)
Hebron Road to Jaffa Gate, df012302202
Hinnom Valley and Old City from south, tb092403340
Hinnom Valley and Silwan from west, df012302203
Hinnom Valley fire, tb052005996
Hinnom Valley from east with snow, tb021504810
Hinnom Valley from east, tb091306311
Hinnom Valley from east, tb091306361
Hinnom Valley from Mount Zion, tb033100206
Hinnom Valley steep cliffs near traditional Akeldema, tb082305478
Hinnom Valley to west from Mount Zion, tb033100207
Hinnom Valley with snow, tb012800203
Hinnom Valley with Sultan’s Pool, df103101201
Jerusalem aerial from east, tb010703207
Jerusalem aerial from southwest, tb010703209
Kidron Valley and Gethsemane from south, tb051908144
Kidron Valley and Golden Gate with snow, tb022603206
Kidron Valley and Mount of Olives with snow, tb022603207
Kidron Valley from north with olive trees, tb051906428
Kidron Valley from north, tb051908131
Kidron Valley from north, tb113006753
Kidron Valley from south with olive trees, tb051906431
Kidron Valley view south from Tomb of Zechariah, tb012603219
Meeting of Kidron, Central and Hinnom, Central Valleys south of city, tb020101211
St Stephen’s Monastery in Kidron Valley from east, tb051601209
St Stephen’s Monastery with snow, tb012800205
Sultan’s Pool from south, tb010312672
Sultan’s Pool from west, tb010312677
Sultan’s Pool with snow, tb022603218
Sultan’s Pool with theater seating, tb052005995
Tomb of Virgin Mary building, tb012603235
Tomb of Virgin Mary staircase entrance, tb012603236
Tomb of Virgin Mary tomb enclosure, tb012603237
Via Dolorosa (38)
Ecce Homo side arch, tb011612934
Ecce Homo side arch, tb011612937
Ecce Homo, Roman triumphal arch, tb010310604
Ecce Homo, Roman triumphal arch, tb090402201
Man carrying cross on Via Dolorosa, tb011612975
Monastery of Flagellation, tb011612923
Prison of Christ sign on Via Dolorosa, tb011612978
Prison of Christ, Praetorium, on Via Dolorosa, tb011612980
Roman catapult ball from Roman siege at Sisters of Zion, tb011612964
Sisters of Zion Roman game on traditional Lithostratos, cd100094018
Sisters of Zion Roman game on traditional Lithostratos, tb041603203
Stations of Cross portrayed on Via Dolorosa, tb011612913
Struthion Pool under traditional Lithostratos, tb011612945
Via Dolorosa sign, tb011612927
Via Dolorosa sign, tb011612981
Via Dolorosa Station 01, Jesus tried, dg051101202
Via Dolorosa Station 03, Jesus falls first time, dg051101204
Via Dolorosa Station 08, Jesus tells women not to cry for him, dg051101209
Via Dolorosa Station 10, Jesus stripped, tb090405844
Via Dolorosa Station 11, Jesus nailed to the cross, dg051101211
Via Dolorosa Station 11, Jesus nailed to the cross, tb010312302
Via Dolorosa Station 12, Jesus crucified, tbs54309012
Via Dolorosa Station 13, Jesus’ body anointed, tb030801204
Via Dolorosa Station 14, Jesus’ body buried, dg051101214
Via Dolorosa Station 2, Jesus condemned, tb011612924
Via Dolorosa Station 3, Jesus Falls First Time, tb010310595
Via Dolorosa Station 3, Jesus falls first time, tb011612990
Via Dolorosa Station 4, Jesus sees Mary, tb011612987
Via Dolorosa Station 5, Jesus’ handprint, adr080719464
Via Dolorosa Station 5, Simon picks up the cross, tb011612993
Via Dolorosa Station 5, Simon picks up the cross, tb011612998
Via Dolorosa Station 6, Veronica wipes Jesus’ face, tb011612000
Via Dolorosa Station 6, Veronica wipes Jesus’ face, tb011612003
Via Dolorosa Station 7, Jesus falls second time, tb011612812
Via Dolorosa Station 7, Jesus falls second time, tb011612816
Via Dolorosa Station 8 earlier location, tb081004180
Via Dolorosa Station 8, Jesus tells women not to cry for him, tb011612809
Via Dolorosa Station 9, Jesus falls third time, tb011612012
Views of Jerusalem (59)
Hill of Evil Counsel from north, tb033100205
Jerusalem aerial from east, df010703206
Jerusalem aerial from southeast, tb010703208
Jerusalem and wilderness aerial from west, tb010703210
Jerusalem area aerial from east, tb010703211
Jerusalem area aerial from north, tb010703212
Jerusalem area aerial from south, tb010703213
Jerusalem at dawn, df110801201
Jerusalem at dusk from south with lights, tb070707963
Jerusalem at night from south, tb070707965
Jerusalem at night from south, tb091103092
Jerusalem at sunset from south panorama, tb070707941
Jerusalem from east with cross, tb091306369
Jerusalem from Mount of Olives at night, tb031505530
Jerusalem from Mount of Olives panorama, df090101201
Jerusalem from Mount of Olives panorama, tb010210546
Jerusalem from Mount of Olives panorama, tb100103759
Jerusalem from Mount of Olives panorama, tb100103821
Jerusalem from Mount of Olives, tb010210539
Jerusalem from Mount of Olives, tb010210541
Jerusalem from Mount of Olives, tb021407723
Jerusalem from Mount of Olives, tb092405392
Jerusalem from south at night panorama, tb091103087
Jerusalem from south at sunset, tb070707937
Jerusalem from south panorama, tb042206503
Jerusalem from south panorama, tb091306331
Jerusalem from south, tb051907738
Jerusalem from south, tb051907748
Jerusalem from south, tb051907756
Jerusalem from southeast, tb091306297
Jerusalem Old City and Kidron Valley from northeast, df020602201
Jerusalem Old City rooftops with snow, tb022603213
Jerusalem Old City southern wall at night, tb031505533
Jerusalem Old City with snow from east, tb022603215
Jerusalem panorama from Mount Scopus, amd092711101
Jerusalem southern area aerial from east, tb010703217
Muslim cemetery along Jerusalem Old City eastern wall, tb012603222
Old City aerial from northwest, bb00040051
Old City aerial from southwest, bb00040019
Old City aerial from west, bb00020105
Old City and Mount of Olives aerial from west, bb00020008
Rainbow from Haas Promenade, tb021501203
Sunrise over Mount of Olives, tb031605564
Sunrise over Mount of Olives, tb100906808
Sunrise over Mount of Olives, tb100906812
Sunrise over Mount of Olives, tb100906814
Sunset over Jerusalem from Mount of Olives, tb110906780
Sunset over Jerusalem from Mount of Olives, tb110906791
Sunset over Jerusalem, tb123109454
Sunset over Mount Zion, tb110906756
Sunset over Mount Zion, tb110906770
Sunset over Mount Zion, tb110906788
View of Jordan from Mount Zion, tbs73169301
View of Jordan from Mount Zion, tbs73149301
West Jerusalem from Old City at sunrise, tb010210502
West Jerusalem from Old City at sunrise, tb010210506
West Jerusalem from Old City at sunrise, tb090705942
West Jerusalem from Old City at sunrise, tb090705943
Wilderness with Mount of Olives aerial from northwest, tb010703239
West Jerusalem (98)
Albright Institute, tb010200202
Anglican hospital facade, cd091001101
Anglican School on Prophets Street, kg120800201
Bank of Israel, tb111206965
British prison, tb091102202
Corinthian capital at Hebrew University Givat Ram campus, tb111206942
Davidka monument, tb060601203
David’s Citadel Hotel at sunrise, tb010210532
David’s Village and King David Hotel, tb022705292
Ethiopian Church, tb091902201
Flowers and lion of Jerusalem near Yemin Moshe, tb040605784
Hebrew University Givat Ram campus, tb111206964
Israel and Jerusalem flags, tb123109428
Israel flags in Jerusalem, tb091502202
Jaffa Gate exterior plaza, tb051908278
Jaffa Road, tb091502203
Jerusalem center of world art at Safra Square, tb010310727
Jerusalem city hall, tb010200209
Jerusalem Old City aerial from northwest, tb010703224
Jerusalem Third Wall remains, tb042200219
Jerusalem train station, amd042507027
Jerusalem tumuli 2, 4, 5 from west, tb070807020
Jerusalem tumulus 2 from west, tb070807024
Jerusalem tumulus 4 from west, tb070807022
Jerusalem, Knesset and Israel Museum area aerial from south, tb010703218
King David Hotel from west at sunrise, tb010210531
King David Hotel, dg021401201
King David Hotel, tb010312702
King David street with snow, tb012800204
Knesset from north, tb040605666
Knesset menorah with scenes, tb120402201
Knesset menorah, tb040605647
Knesset menorah, tb040605651
Knesset, kg120800204
Liberty Bell Park, tb040605782
Light rail train at IDF Square, tb010312735
Lion fountain with Old City in background, tb092403346
Mahane Yehuda challah bread vendor, tb091502201
Mahane Yehuda market, tb060601209
Mahane Yehuda market, tb091502205
Mahane Yehuda market, tb092906428
Mahane Yehuda vegetable vendor, tb060601210
Mahane Yehuda vegetable vendor, tb060601211
Mamila Pool from east, tb51701201
Mamila Pool from northwest, tb51701202
Mamila shopping mall near Jaffa Gate, tb011612051
Mandelbaum Gate crossing point area, tb081004119
Market on Emek Rephaim street, tb040605758
Market on Emek Rephaim street, tb040605759
Mayor’s old office, tb010200211
Mea Shearim residences, tb081004160
Ministry of Education, Lev-Ram Building, tb081004133
Mishkenot Shananim from northwest, tb022705291
Monastery of the Cross and Israel Museum from east, tb072404751
Monastery of the Cross from northwest, tb072104698
Monolithic stone column near Russian Compound, tb111106817
Montefiore windmill, tb040605799
Monument of Jerusalem’s surrender to British in Dec 1917, tb060601206
Notre Dame, tb010310706
Olive trees near Yemin Moshe, tb040605788
Palm trees at City Hall, tb090605875
Ramat Shlomo Herodian quarry, al092407538
Ramat Shlomo Herodian quarry, al092407541
Ramat Shlomo Herodian quarry, al092407555
Road of Patriarchs saddle, road to Jerusalem, tb082305451
Russian Compound Holy Trinity Church, tb111106805
St George’s Cathedral tower, tb010200220
Street with trees in middle in Jerusalem, tb072404787
Tabor House of Conrad Schick, tb010200221
Tomb of Simeon the Just interior, tb062907468
Turjeman Post at Mandelbaum Gate crossing point, tb081004113
West Jerusalem aerial from north, tb010703236
West Jerusalem aerial from se, tb010703237
West Jerusalem aerial from southwest, tb010703238
West Jerusalem aerial from west, tb010703215
West Jerusalem apartments, tb040605716
West Jerusalem from Citadel, tbs55089012
West Jerusalem from Israel Museum panorama, tb091506515
West Jerusalem from Israel Museum panorama, tb091506518
West Jerusalem from northwest, tb091506617
West Jerusalem from Old City at sunrise, tb010210508
West Jerusalem from Ramat Rahel to west, tb031905814
West Jerusalem from south aerial, tb031900204
West Jerusalem from west, tb062504764
West Jerusalem from west, tb091506614
West Jerusalem from YMCA tower, df050702201
West Jerusalem high-rise buildings, tb072104701
West Jerusalem home, tb040605848
Wohl Rose Garden, tb040605661
Wohl Rose Garden, tb040605677
Wohl Rose Garden, tb040605688
Women with machine guns on Ben Yehuda, tb091502207
Yad Kennedy, JFK memorial, tb082406480
Yemin Moshe house, tb040605806
Yemin Moshe house, tb040605812
Yemin Moshe street, tb040605825
YMCA tower from east, tb010312699
YMCA tower from southeast, tb010312658
Western Wall (116)
Bar mitzvah at Western Wall, tb071207092
Barclay’s Gate lintel at Western Wall, tb090705991
Barclay’s Gate lintel, tb060601201
Bird perched on Western Wall, tb091306095
Birds at Western Wall, tb091306164
Boy praying at Western Wall with phylactery, tb083104464
Child reading at Western Wall at night, tb041903206
Children praying by Western Wall, tb060601202
Dome of the Rock and Western Wall from southwest, tb010112115
Excavations on western end of Western Wall prayer plaza, tb010312458
Father and son with phylacteries at Western Wall, tb071207088
Israeli military at Western Wall, tb051908172
Israeli military shields at Western Wall, tb051908173
Man blowing shofar at Western Wall, cd1000189118
Man blowing shofar at Western Wall, tb042605429
Man blowing shofar during Elul at Western Wall, tb083104455
Man folding prayer shawl at Western Wall, tb090705980
Man kissing Western Wall, with phylactery, tb083104444
Man praying at Western Wall at night, tb031505519
Man praying at Western Wall, tb090602203
Man praying at Western Wall, tb092603089
Man praying at Western Wall, tb092603101
Man praying at Western Wall, tb122006973
Man praying with four species of Sukkot at Western Wall, tb100906925
Man praying with prayer book in face, tb100906942
Man putting prayer in Western Wall, tb092603035
Man reading at Western Wall, tb092302201
Man reading scroll at Western Wall, cd090918001
Man reading Talmud at Western Wall, tb100906874
Man reading Torah Scroll at Western Wall, tb100906836
Man sitting at Western Wall, tb092603098
Man with arms upraised at Western Wall, tb092603064
Man with four species of Sukkot at Western Wall, tb100906835
Man with four species of Sukkot at Western Wall, tb100906877
Man with hands on sons for priestly blessing, tb092302202
Man with phylactery at Western Wall, tb091306110
Man with red string at Western Wall, tb071207083
Men at Western Wall, tb122604469
Men cleaning out prayers at Western Wall, tb090402207
Men praying at Western Wall at night, tb031505516
Men praying at Western Wall at night, tb092802038
Men praying at Western Wall during Passover, cd070406551
Men praying at Western Wall during Sukkot, tb100906912
Men praying at Western Wall, tb010200212
Men praying at Western Wall, tb010312540
Men praying at Western Wall, tb060601213
Men praying at Western Wall, tb090602201
Men praying at Western Wall, tb090602204
Men praying at Western Wall, tb090705000
Men praying at Western Wall, tb090705965
Men touching Torah Scroll at Western Wall, tb092302203
Men washing hands near Western Wall, tb092603022
Men with cellphones at Sukkot priestly blessing, tb092302204
Mezuzah near Western Wall, tb091306071
Passover priestly blessing at Western Wall, tb042605548
Prayer hanging by thread at Western Wall, tb092603059
Priestly blessing at Western Wall with umbrellas, tb041606950
Priestly blessing, hands on sons, at Western Wall, tb042605526
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef at priestly blessing at Western Wall, tb041606981
Six flames for Holocaust victims, tb010312538
Soldier at Western Wall, tb122604468
Soldier praying at Western Wall, tb071207089
Soldier writing note at Western Wall, tb122006963
Sukkot Priestly Blessing, tb101303019
Sukkot Priestly Blessing, tb101303060
Sukkot Priestly Blessing, tb101303093
Sukkot Priestly Blessing, tb101303106
Sukkot Priestly Blessing, tb101303186
Temple Mount and Western Wall aerial from southwest, tb010703235
Temple Mount ramp and excavations, tb010312513
Temple Mount ramp excavations, tb051707643
Temple Mount ramp excavations, tb051707648
Temple Mount ramp excavations, tb051707650
Temple Mount ramp excavations, tb051707651
Temple Mount ramp excavations, tb051707654
Torah scroll at Western Wall, tb042605465
Torah Scroll being lifted at Western Wall, tb092302207
Torah Scroll held up at Western Wall, tb042605497
Valley Cardo excavations near Western Wall, tb010312457
Western Wall aerial from west, bb00020056
Western Wall and Dome of the Rock at night, tb032301203
Western Wall and Dome of the Rock, tb092603105
Western Wall and Temple Mount aerial from south, bb00020036
Western Wall at night with group of soldiers, tb051507607
Western Wall at night, tb022605275
Western Wall at night, tb031505512
Western Wall from southwest, tb010312495
Western Wall induction service, tb051601212
Western Wall induction service, tb051601213
Western Wall men and women’s prayer areas at night, tb022605278
Western Wall men’s prayer area filled during Sukkot, tb1009069609
Western Wall plaza and Dome of the Rock with snow, tb022503204
Western Wall plaza at night, tb041903207
Western Wall plaza excavations, tb051908176
Western Wall plaza excavations, tb122006980
Western Wall plaza with excavations, tb051707666
Western Wall plaza with snowman, tb022503205
Western Wall prayer area filled during Sukkot, tb1009069569
Western Wall prayer area from south, amd042108530
Western Wall prayer area from south, tbs42179009
Western Wall prayer area, tb092603078
Western Wall prayer plaza construction, tb102903583
Western Wall prayer plaza excavations, tb010312518
Western Wall prayer plaza from southwest, tb010312492
Western Wall prayer plaza, tb071207104
Western Wall stone with prayers, tb090402208
Western Wall sunrise on Shavuot, tb060900204
Western Wall with chairs and snow, tb022503206
Western Wall with menorah in snow, tbs73289302
Western Wall with snowman, df022503207
Western Wall women’s prayer area filled during Sukkot, tb1009069619
Western Wall, Kotel HaQatan, tb102903595
Western Wall, tb031605650
Western Wall, tb122006991
Women praying at Western Wall from above, tb090705962
Women praying at Western Wall, tb092302208
Western Wall Tunnel (35)
Arch next to Wilson’s Arch, tb010112170
Arches supporting Street of Chain, tb031600201
Hasmonean Hall walls, tb031600202
Hasmonean Hall, tb031600203
Hasmonean water channel, tb010112201
Hasmonean water channel, tb010112219
Herodian masonry, tb031600207
Herodian street with columns, tb010112194
Library near Western Wall with sacred books, tb091306137
Men praying near Wilson’s Arch, kg031301201
Mikveh near Western Wall, tb010112163
Mikveh near Western Wall, tb010112167
Quarry near Western Wall, tb123109470
Quarry near Western Wall, tbs77219305
Shaft to base of Western Wall, tb031600210
Street railing, tb031600212
Struthion Pool, tb010112210
Struthion Pool, tb010112211
Struthion Pool, tb010112214
Torah ark at Western Wall, tb091306120
Warren’s Gate and Master Course, tb031600214
Warren’s Gate, tb091802206
Western Wall bedrock used as foundation, tb010112189
Western Wall excavated tunnel, tb010112222
Western Wall excavated tunnel, tb031600215
Western Wall exposed bedrock, tb010112196
Western Wall place closest to Holy of Holies, tb010112176
Western Wall stone dressing unfinished, tb010112199
Western Wall tunnel new excavations, tb010112171
Western Wall tunnel new excavations, tb010112227
Western Wall with carved bedrock, tb123109467
Western Wall with largest Herodian stone, kg031301203
Western Wall with largest Herodian stone, tb031600209
Western Wall with largest Herodian stone, tb123109463
Wilson’s Arch and prayer area, tb091306121